

Oct 14, 2017
manchester england
I have been using 19% chicken crumb
& now it is time to go onto growers
but the same make growers is only 16%
Is this OK or should I look for a higher grower ???
Cheers phil
You're talking layer type chickens right? If you are.
You could use 16% after 8 weeks old, or keep them on the 19% Starter.
I feed a Medicated Start and Grow 18% for 10 weeks. Then I switch to a Non-Medicated Starter-Grower 18% or a All-Flock/Flock Raiser feed 20%. Whatever is available or fresher when I'm at the store.
If you like the Brand your using. I would just keep them on the 19% Starter. GC
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I give all ages Purina Flock Raiser. I've been feeding it for 4 years. Chicks, youngsters, adults, layers. It's 20% protein. I give oyster shell on the side for layers. If you feel you must change to another feed, I'd recommend using up what you have first. Feed is perishable.
I feed mine 19% medicated chick feed until they are about 5 months old. Then I switch to a 22% unmedicated Game Bird Grower for the rest of their lives.

If you as 10 people what to feed you'll get 10 different answers. Just work out what you think is best for you and your birds.

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