

6 Years
Apr 11, 2014
Northeast Missouri
I already feed moistened feed but I don't ferment. Mostly because I am very limited to the time I have to feed. I moisten my feed at night to feed the next morning (I also cover it with a lid loosely and in a warm place) and then moisten some more real quick to feed at night. I also add some bean meal to it. When I get another bucket I will moisten the feed for the next 24 hours in the evening when I have a little more time. I moistened it enough that it sticks together when squeezed. I put ACV in their water. My questions are: 1. Is the feed fermenting at all without being completely covered with water and not having ACV in it? 2. If I fermented, and I used only one bucket, is it a major mess to pour the excess off into another bucket and do I have to get it completed drained off or would mostly drained off work. Fermenting certainly doesn't sound hard. I just don't have any extra time to feed in the mornings and I don't get home all that early either so by the time I stir or replace the bedding , clean the feeders and waters, and prep for the next day, I've already spent 1-1 1/2 hours. My chickens are 5 week old CX. I'll be butchering in 2-3 weeks but I also have 50 two week old chicks.
I already feed moistened feed but I don't ferment. Mostly because I am very limited to the time I have to feed. I moisten my feed at night to feed the next morning (I also cover it with a lid loosely and in a warm place) and then moisten some more real quick to feed at night. I also add some bean meal to it. When I get another bucket I will moisten the feed for the next 24 hours in the evening when I have a little more time. I moistened it enough that it sticks together when squeezed. I put ACV in their water. My questions are: 1. Is the feed fermenting at all without being completely covered with water and not having ACV in it? 2. If I fermented, and I used only one bucket, is it a major mess to pour the excess off into another bucket and do I have to get it completed drained off or would mostly drained off work. Fermenting certainly doesn't sound hard. I just don't have any extra time to feed in the mornings and I don't get home all that early either so by the time I stir or replace the bedding , clean the feeders and waters, and prep for the next day, I've already spent 1-1 1/2 hours. My chickens are 5 week old CX. I'll be butchering in 2-3 weeks but I also have 50 two week old chicks.

Easy peasy!! Get a 5 gallon bucket fill 1/2 full of feed or grains. Add a couple of gallons of water. ACV or not, doesn't matter. Stir and cover loosely for 4-5 days and stir daily. After that just feed. When it get's to about 1/4 full do the same thing over. BUT it's ready overnight. Add water first and stir sludge and it makes it ferment in just a few hours. If a white film develops on top, that's the good stuff. I never change buckets. I never wash the bucket. I don't keep water on top and drain off. I keep it at the consistancy of thick oatmeal. I started from delivery date on my chicks and they love it. I do feedings 3 x daily the first couple of weeks and then 9 am and 4 pm as much as they can eat in 30 minutes. With the CX that's probably what they would eat in 10 min If they don't eas it all in that time, feed a little less the next. It's so easy and makes the smell so much less and you don't have to refill the waterers near as much. Love it. The best thing I've learned on BYC
I ferment my grain only, covered in water with just a little ACV to get it going..I just scoop it out with one of those kitchen tools. About 5 inches across round with little holes. Stir it up add more grain when needed. I feed in old baking pans and put dry feed on top. A lot of us that ff don't add the food to it is makes is very messy..
Thanks for the input. I'll see if I can find one of those kitchen tools you describe. I'm assuming it is a small colander which is a great idea. I'm only planning to ferment enough to always have 2 days worth of feed. Do you let it drain much before you feed or just scoop it out, let it drain a few seconds and then feed?
maybe it is a hand held one, i have it on my bucket...i found and image of one though i have seen them at places like the dollar tree no idea where i got mine at...makes getting the food out easy and not to messy .
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