Feels like my BO won't stop growing!


May 14, 2023
I'm genuinely wondering how large Orpingtons are supposed to be. Sunny will be 1 year old soon. And he's MASSIVE and I swear he just keeps growing! We don't know his exact weight since he's hard to catch but in the rare instances we've grabbed hold, he is HEAVY! Anyone else have a massive Orpington??? What are they like, behavior-wise? Also, if he somehow has exceeded what most Orps grow up to, what would you say could be the reason behind his massive growth? He basically reaches just below my hips and I'm 5'4''. This isn't a complaint, as he's a wonderful boy but good lord, do all Orpingtons get this size?! I've got people saying he's a dinosaur! 😂 I've never had a rooster reach his size!



Wow that's a big boy. My Buff Orpington rooster Caleb is like that and he weighs probably 13 pounds and he's only 10 months old. I'm really wowed by his growth.
Sadly though, Caleb is blind in one eye and is loosing sight in his other eye by the looks of it - he was born that way. So we are putting him down. 😥
Hopefully your rooster stops growing! lol 🤣 He is beautiful! 😍
Wow that's a big boy. My Buff Orpington rooster Caleb is like that and he weighs probably 13 pounds and he's only 10 months old. I'm really wowed by his growth.
Sadly though, Caleb is blind in one eye and is loosing sight in his other eye by the looks of it - he was born that way. So we are putting him down. 😥
Hopefully your rooster stops growing! lol 🤣 He is beautiful! 😍
I’m sorry you have to put him down. 😞

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