Feet swelling develop in into sores and necrosis

Loppy Lobster

In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2017
Hello everyone! I read most of the threads about feet and toes necrosis and could not find exactly what my issue might be.

I have 1x 1 year old hen and 3x 3 month old chicks that have various degrees of a developing necrosis on their feet. See pictures.

In the 3rd pic, it starts with swelling of the toe.

In the 1st pic, the swelling turns into a sore, but no bleeding that I have seen.

In the 2nd pic, necrosis sets in and the toe starts to die.

In the 4th pic, necrosis is at its more advance stage and the toe is decomposing and falling off slowly.

I don't think it was frost bites as I live in Seattle and it doesn't get that cold right now. I dont think it is bumblefoot as ive had two cases in the past and know what it looks like and how to treat. However, the hen did have bumblefoot a few, three or four months ago but it was on her pad , not her toe. Some think it might be food related... I have 96 other chickens that prove otherwise.

The more advance case (pic #4) I have I somewhat noticed a few weeks ago but I thought it was muddy or dirty feet. I have about 100 chickens so checking them daily is not really feasible.

The hen has been living in the Goat enclosure with two of her sisters for over a year and The chicks were transferred in about a month ago... maybe 3 weeks. I just trimmed the goats' hooves 2 days ago and did not see anything suspicious on them. There are 2 other hens (sisters) and 3 other chicks with no symptoms... yet! All the other chickens do not have access to that enclosure.

The issue seems to be within the enclosure. A fungus maybe? Some kind of parasite or infection perhaps? It looks like it is contagious... to the chickens anyway.

Thank you for the help


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The issue seems to be within the enclosure. A fungus maybe? Some kind of parasite or infection perhaps? It looks like it is contagious... to the chickens anyway.

Photos of the enclosure?
Do you have any rats or rat traps?
Anything in the enclosure where they can get the toes hung up or pinched?

I would look at environment first, to me it looks like it starts with a wound then progresses.
There is mice around but no rats. The hen does sleep in a dog crate on the ground and sometimes the chicks sleep with her. The mice could possibly bite them maybe? Never had that problem before. And no, I do not have traps out.

The pen is about 60 x 40, with an 8ft chain link fence around it. A third of it is under at canopy. They use to have a little coop but they never used it so i took it out. There is enough rain and wind protection that they usually perch on the hay feeder for the night. There really isn't anything for them to hurt themselves on other than maybe the goats. One of the bucks was trying to romance the hen that has the worst case of necrosis (pic #4). He was licking her and chewing on her back and tail feathers. Maybe they are bitting at their toes and creating an infection? But at the same time, their condition seem to start with swelling and progresses from there. I just added another pic of her sister's thumb. She is hard to catch so it took a while to have a look at her. As you can see, her thumb is swelling up, but I could not see a wound.

We are going to treat the ground in the pen with DE and give the infected chicks and hens a shot of antibiotics tomorrow. We'll see what happens.


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There really isn't anything for them to hurt themselves on other than maybe the goats. One of the bucks was trying to romance the hen that has the worst case of necrosis (pic #4). He was licking her and chewing on her back and tail feathers.
But at the same time, their condition seem to start with swelling and progresses from there.
As you can see, her thumb is swelling up, but I could not see a wound.
I suppose it could be from the goats if they are having to navigate around them all the time. Whatever is happening, it seems to be fairly consistent with all of them.
Do you have somewhere else you can house them, where it's dry so they can heal? Those feet need to be tended to daily. Antibiotics can help with infection, but the feet will need to be cared for until they heal up. Really they need to be soaked, cleaned, triple antibiotic ointment applied, anything that looks like infection needs to be expressed/removed, the foot wrapped and then the chicken be placed on clean dry bedding.

The one with the worst necrotic toe, likely that will fall off, but you want to keep close watch on that to see if the bone is exposed and that the skin closes up without complications.

It sounds like you have a farm - do you have access to a farm vet that can take a look and give you suggestions?

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