Female duck killed chicken


Nov 27, 2018
this morning I went out to my coop and found one of my chickens dead, there was blood and one of my female Pekins was all beat up. This particular chicken was my “bully” chicken. I am kind of wondering if my female duck got fed up with being picked on and killed the chicken in a scuffle. Has anyone experienced this !? Thoughts !?
I'm thinking it's more a predator killed your chicken & tried getting your duck. Have you looked the chicken over for injuries/bite marks? Have you examined the duck for injuries? Inspect your coo for any holes or break ins.

I have my duck inside now recuperating she is injured but not badly, the dead chicken looked like it’s neck was snapped no bite marks just scuffle injuries. I also had my whole flock in the coop that’s why I’m confused. I would think if it was a predator it would have gotten more. I need to do another once over in my coop just in case!
If your duck killed your poor rooster, then it was possible that your chicken was "bullying" the duck and in its self defense, your duck fought back.
It's also possible that there was a predator. Any other injuries?

No other injuries just the ducks wounds which are scrapped on back of neck, missing some feathers, and some blood in her wing feathers.
Ducks are pretty tough and a whole out larger than a chicken.
We once put some baby ducks in with the chickens (30+ years ago before knowing better). A couple of chickens were bullying them and pulling most their feathers out. It only lasted a few weeks till the ducks got bigger than the chickens and it wasnt long before the Reckoning Day.
Those baby ducks (but bigger than the chickens) stood up for themselves and went on an Chicken Ass Kicking Spree.
I had to build another pen just for the ducks because they would have probably killed the chickens if i hadn't got them apart. The ducks would keep the chickens corralled up on one end of the run, and if any chicken went toward the feeder or water, the ducks would beat them down and send them back into the corner hiding. They remember the mistreating the chickens did and when free ranging if a chicken got near a duck it was ass kicking time. :smack
Ducks are pretty tough and a whole out larger than a chicken.
We once put some baby ducks in with the chickens (30+ years ago before knowing better). A couple of chickens were bullying them and pulling most their feathers out. It only lasted a few weeks till the ducks got bigger than the chickens and it wasnt long before the Reckoning Day.
Those baby ducks (but bigger than the chickens) stood up for themselves and went on an Chicken Ass Kicking Spree.
I had to build another pen just for the ducks because they would have probably killed the chickens if i hadn't got them apart. The ducks would keep the chickens corralled up on one end of the run, and if any chicken went toward the feeder or water, the ducks would beat them down and send them back into the corner hiding. They remember the mistreating the chickens did and when free ranging if a chicken got near a duck it was ass kicking time. :smack
Lol, "Chicken Ass Kicking Spree" :lau
I never knew ducks were so tough.
The only duck-chicken relationships I see are friendly ones...
Lol, "Chicken Ass Kicking Spree" :lau
I never knew ducks were so tough.
The only duck-chicken relationships I see are friendly ones...
That was my experience before that. But we'll had always let the chickens free range during the day and keep the ducks (larger than chickens) in the pen for the first month. We'd let the chickens out and never was much interaction between them. Since there was no Broody Momma Duck to protect the ducklings, the chickens thought they could just run them over. Little did the chickens know the ducks would remember. But they did. And they would kick those chicken's asses all over chicken town everyday of the week.
I'm confused, was it a rooster? I know that roosters are chickens, but usually people on here make a point to call a rooster as such.
Ducks can kill chickens. I've read where a muscovy duck killed a rooster. They have really sharp claws and have strong wings that can do a lot of damage. My drake grabbed ahold of my rooster when they were out free ranging and I made him get off and go a separate direction.
However, by your description, your duck seems pretty battered. I would definitely be on the look out for a predator. If it was a rooster, it could have died protecting the flock. :confused:

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