female pekin with diarrhea but vet meds not working

ok. here they are. the one with my foot is for scale. I think that is one poop which is scary as it is so much.

If these were just the occasional, intermittent, it would not be as concerning. Thanks for uploading these. I have tagged casportpony as well.

I can't think of any other ideas at this point other than what I have suggested.

@Miss Lydia



any help is appreciated. some of the poop comes as the semi solid medium brown stuff. sometimes with a bit of white from the oyster shells. But most of the time is has the texture of oatmeal and sometimes runnier.
Poop does look like a bacterial infection, or yeast infection.

So so far she's had SMZ/TMP (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim), which is also know as Bactrim and Septra. It's a good antibiotic, but many bacteria are resistant to it, especially pseudomonas aeruginosa. Don't know about Ceftazidine, that's one I have researched at all. Did your vet do a gram stain? How about a culture and sensitivities? Maybe you should talk to your vet about switching to something like Baytril or Amikacin, and maybe metronidazole. The key is in figuring out what bacteria she has, what antibiotics it's sensitive to, and whether or not she also has a yeast infection. Call your vet and talk about:

  • pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • e. coli
  • clostridium perfringens
  • coccidiosis
  • worms

In the past when I had one with the runs my vet has done a gram stain, which last time showed a "raging" gram negative infection. For that she prescribed Baytril, but my flock has a history of clostridium perfringens, so she also prescribed metronidazole. Another had a yeast infection, for that she prescribed ketoconazole.

any help is appreciated. some of the poop comes as the semi solid medium brown stuff. sometimes with a bit of white from the oyster shells. But most of the time is has the texture of oatmeal and sometimes runnier.
Your vet needs to look at her poop under the scope again.

I am getting new feed for her. i am feeding her greens, rolled oats, some cracked corn. she loves bananas so i will give her more. I don't think the water is a problem.
she is laying an egg every day so she is not eggbound. She has had a few ultrasounds that show no blockage or egg binding.
I will talk to the vet about Bactrim.
thank you.

Crack corn should be giving as a treat not a daily in take. Cut back on the crack corn. They tend to get full on it and will refuse or slow down there daily feed.
Is she acting any differently? Such as staggering or falling or being slower then the norm. What about swim time?? Does she act normal like doing the bobbing thing to clean herself or flapping her wings in the water to give you a bath too. Is she doing anything out of the norm??

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