Female Turkey Breast Swollen


Aug 20, 2019
Hi everyone

I noticed my female Turkey has what looks to be fluid (I believe) in her chest area. At first we thought she was gaining weight but it’s just appeared over the last few days. Any advice as to what it is or how I can help her? I’ve tried researching but there’s not too much info out there.

How could you not love her little face?
Thanks so much!
Is she a broad breasted? Looks like a breast blister which comes from roosting, and is generally seen in broad breasted. I've read they should be give straw bales to roost on.
Hi everyone

I noticed my female Turkey has what looks to be fluid (I believe) in her chest area. At first we thought she was gaining weight but it’s just appeared over the last few days. Any advice as to what it is or how I can help her? I’ve tried researching but there’s not too much info out there.

How could you not love her little face?
Thanks so much!
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It may be a blister as @oldhenlikesdogs said or it could be a pendulous crop. Turkeys can get them just like chickens do.

If it is a blister filled with liquid, I would lance it and allow it to drain. If it is her crop, I would not lance it. Make sure which it is before you do anything.
Is she a broad breasted? Looks like a breast blister which comes from roosting, and is generally seen in broad breasted. I've read they should be give straw bales to roost on.
Thanks so much for responding. She has an area in the coop where she sleeps and we have bedding for her but it’s not straw...I’ll get some tomorrow and see if that helps her.
It may be a blister as @oldhenlikesdogs said or it could be a pendulous crop. Turkeys can get them just like chickens do.

If it is a blister filled with liquid, I would lance it and allow it to drain. If it is her crop, I would not lance it. Make sure which it is before you do anything.

That’s what I’m thinking it is, but I don’t think I could lance her myself as I’d be too afraid of hurting her....I’m a bit of a weenie when it comes to those sorts of things. I’ll try and get hold of my vet tomorrow and see if he can come and see her. It’s amazing how’s attached you get to your birds. We have 5 chickens too, did have 6 but lost one a couple of weeks ago, we think a hawk got her...I’m heartbroken as she was the sweetest girl.

Thanks so much for responding!!
Good luck. Let us know what the vet says.

To avoid her being injured by the tom again...consider getting a turkey seized saddle. Auroradream26 makes good ones. She just posted a bunch of her ladies wearing them over on the turkey talk thread.
Did you find out what she had and how to treat it? I have same bird w same thing! Drained some clearish fluid from it.
Given the location of the issue I would suspect it is a pendulous crop, a genetic defect found in broad breasted turkeys and chickens.

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