Feral cats can be vicious and carry diseases and parasites. Some of us would rather shoot something like that than risk an animal bite or infecting our other animals.

The cat won't be able to bite you in a live trap.

The OP also stated that the cat is friendly towards her chickens, so again... no need to shoot the thing.

It isn't it's fault it's feral, it's someone who didn't spay or neuter their cats fault.
Feral cats can be vicious and carry diseases and parasites. Some of us would rather shoot something like that than risk an animal bite or infecting our other animals.

The cat won't be able to bite you in a live trap.

The OP also stated that the cat is friendly towards her chickens, so again... no need to shoot the thing.

It isn't it's fault it's feral, it's someone who didn't spay or neuter their cats fault.

I edited my previous post to mention the issue some have with animal control. Maybe that will clarify my standpoint for you.
You could also do a Roll Away Nesting box, once the chicken lays the egg it rolls away from them into a protected area where it is difficult to get at. There is plenty of examples on here if you search and here's the one I've drawn up for my coop.


The floor is at a slight angle so the egg rolls to the back, you put a piece of foam at the back to stop the egg.

If you don't mind having the cat around, start feeding it cat food (out of chicken reach!) - that might stop the egg eating. Sounds like the poor thing is quite hungry. If you don't want the cat around your place you can try to re-home it (there are some rescue groups that specialize in ferals or maybe a local farmer needs a barn cat) or dispose of it (whether on your own with a gun or by taking it to AC or the pound where it will most likely be killed - many communities see ferals as unadoptable).

Personally, I find the value of having cats around outweighs the negatives - they are often very good rodent control and I happen to like cats. If you do decide to keep the cat there, please be sure to get it neutered and vaccinated.
Have you tried just feeding her regular food or table scraps? if her tummy's full she'll be less likely to eat the eggs, or eat less if you don't mind sharing.. I have a cat that loves eggs... but she doesn't serve herself, LOL... Barring that get her away from the coop...

I agree with a combination of all the answers.

1. If you want her then feed her and lock her out of the coop and she will leave the eggs alone.
2. If you dont want her then trap her and take her to animal control. They will most likely euthanize her.
3. If trapping or taking her is not convenient then put a well placed round in her head and bury her. It is just as humane as what animal control is going to do (sadly)
4. An animal killing my chickens or stealing my eggs is just that. Why is a cat different than a raccoon, rat, snake, fox, coyote, or some wild dog. Yes it is sad that people get pets and let them run wild and breed, it would make more sense to euthanize those idiots instead to stop the source of the problem......but I dont guess we can do that.
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If she is SO great with your chickens, she may be worth keeping. Good mouser I would think. I agree with the roll-away nesting box. Just watch her with bitties, just in case. You may want to trap her and vaccinate/worm though.
Either feed her so she will have a food source and will not be forced to find her own food (such as eggs), or look up a local cat rescue and ask them to come trap and remove her. Either way is much more humane and responsible than shooting an innocent animal. If you call animal control they will euthanize a feral cat. A rescue group will offer it a better chance.

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