I would make it so that the cat can't get in with the chickens....not sure what your chicken set up is though. I think that letting the dog(s) get them is inhumane,since she isn't showing any signs af aggretion I would keep her locked up with some food and water for a few days, then she will know where to get a better meal. This is just my opinion as an animal lover.....
Same way a dog, raccoon, oppossum, etc. does - biting most likely. A hungry cat can be quite determined and quite innovative -might have to resort to squishing or kicking to open it but I have seen cats bite an eggshell and get it open.
If eggs are the only food source it has give it another source, cat food.
Spaying or neutering it would be a good idea to. Good luck!
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Yeah...that was my first thought too. OP - have you actually SEEN the cat eating the eggs - breaking the shells and all, not just licking up the remains of an egg yolk or shell...???

I was wondering that myself. My dog will eat them if I set them down!
If it's eating eggs from under your chickens either it's very hungry, so you can feed it OR you have an egg eating chicken in the coop and the cat is getting blamed. Have you actually seen the cat eat the eggs? A feral cat is a domestic cat that nobody has taken care of. It's a shame that people create the problem, but it's the animals that ends up losing

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