Feral cats - chicken predators?



6 Years
Oct 15, 2017
Cookeville TN
I leave a live catch trap out at night inside the hen yard. Tonight I caught a well fed young calico cat with no collar/tags. Was this cat going after my chickens, do you think? What would you do in my place? Choices are, take it to animal control, release it down the road, or shoot it. I am leaning towards animal control.


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I personally would take it to animal control/shelter. It looks like it's got some weight to it, not like it's starving. A lot of people don't keep collars on cats because they get caught on stupid things.
Hard to say if it was after your flock specifically.... cats wander. They do hunt, don't get me wrong.... I'm just saying you can't point a finger unless you see it happen.
Good luck! I sure hope it doesn't want your chickens!
I leave a live catch trap out at night inside the hen yard. Tonight I caught a well fed young calico cat with no collar/tags. Was this cat going after my chickens, do you think? What would you do in my place? Choices are, take it to animal control, release it down the road, or shoot it. I am leaning towards animal control.
I shoot them. Animal control in oconee county sc charges you for a intake even if it's a stray. It might not have been after your chickens then but a easy meal is a easy meal and if it comes threw once it will come threw again.
I would disagree and say yes, probably going after your chickens. I have five pullets that were hatched in April so they are very large. I witnessed my neighbors stupid cat stalking my chickens when they were out. The cat was hunched down, creeping forward like a little lion. Hubby got the BB gun and shot it. I would happily shoot any cat that I caught in a trap. Then again, I have no patience for my neighbors cats. She doesn't care that they poop all over my yard and bother my chickens. Calling animal control might not help because the cat is not "wild". Hopefully your animal control is different but I have called and they won't bother coming out for a cat. Good luck in whatever you decide.
Please don't shoot the cat! Animal control may not be much better since, at least here in Iowa, most cats that go to county pick-up or shelters end up dead anyway. But at least it gives her a chance.

There have been feral cats out here since long before we started having poultry and none has bothered any of the chickens, ducks nor, of course, the large and hissy geese. For at least the past year, a white-footed gray cat has meandered around the coops but has shown no interest in attacking the birds, most of which free range during the day when I'm home. She is the latest in a long line of apparently short-lived felines that prowled around without causing problems.
I leave a live catch trap out at night inside the hen yard. Tonight I caught a well fed young calico cat with no collar/tags. Was this cat going after my chickens, do you think? What would you do in my place? Choices are, take it to animal control, release it down the road, or shoot it. I am leaning towards animal control.
Depends on the cat. I have a bunch of cats around here and only one in many years has killed a chicken. It was a male I’ve never seen before. That cat won’t be eating anything again. What were you using for bait? It’s not wise to put the trap inside the hen yard. If your setting traps with bait or lure of any kind keep it farther away and move closer if you need too. Putting the trap inside with the chickens could just draw in animals that weren’t bothering the chickens to begin with.
Please don't shoot the cat! Animal control may not be much better since, at least here in Iowa, most cats that go to county pick-up or shelters end up dead anyway. But at least it gives her a chance.

There have been feral cats out here since long before we started having poultry and none has bothered any of the chickens, ducks nor, of course, the large and hissy geese. For at least the past year, a white-footed gray cat has meandered around the coops but has shown no interest in attacking the birds, most of which free range during the day when I'm home. She is the latest in a long line of apparently short-lived felines that prowled around without causing problems.
If you want to give it a chance go grab a 10 ga and have someone open the cage if u miss it lives if you don't miss it dies. I'm not like most though as I kill all snakes on my property and to be honest if it's not my animal and I see it or catch it then it's dead

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