Feral cats - chicken predators?

I vote to drop it off at animal control. If it's well fed, it could be a neighbor's pet. Perhaps they let it out for rodent control. If you have chickens, you likely have rodents, the cat could have wandered in after anything, chicken, mouse, wild bird. The neighbors will have to claim it, likely pay a fine to spring it from the pound, hopefully learn a lesson about letting their cat wander. If they don't claim it, it will either be put down or re-homed, in both these situations the cat will no longer be your problem.
I'm glad I don't live near you.. I have a darling cat who knows to leave the birds alone and I'd be horrified if someone shot her.
I'm a believer of my animals stay on my property and poop on my property and if they tare something up it mine on my property. If someone can't do the same there a negligent pet owner if it's a repeat habit, if it's a one time thing it may be acceptable to some but not me
The cat "appeared to be well fed" It is possible it was someone's cat who could have gotten out by mistake. Ferals don't usually appear to be well fed or clean (just a generality not an absolute) If one of my cats accidently got out and someone shot it only because it stepped on their property even though it was not bothering any other animal, I'm sorry but I'd be having their whole flock for dinner.

Chase it off the property, it may never return. Or put a note on an elastic collar for the owners explaining the situation.
The cat "appeared to be well fed" It is possible it was someone's cat who could have gotten out by mistake. Ferals don't usually appear to be well fed or clean (just a generality not an absolute) If one of my cats accidently got out and someone shot it only because it stepped on their property even though it was not bothering any other animal, I'm sorry but I'd be having their whole flock for dinner.

Chase it off the property, it may never return. Or put a note on an elastic collar for the owners explaining the situation.

You raise a point here... sometimes a cat or dog escapes. They dig out of a fence or bolt through an open door. I once had a window screen that failed and my strictly indoor cat climbed out an upstairs window onto the porch roof and down to the ground outside. It might not necessarily even be a totally irresponsible owner, things happen. Since no harm was done, I still vote to drop it at the shelter.
The cat "appeared to be well fed" It is possible it was someone's cat who could have gotten out by mistake. Ferals don't usually appear to be well fed or clean (just a generality not an absolute) If one of my cats accidently got out and someone shot it only because it stepped on their property even though it was not bothering any other animal, I'm sorry but I'd be having their whole flock for dinner.

Chase it off the property, it may never return. Or put a note on an elastic collar for the owners explaining the situation.
You are a negligent pet owner and if you don't want something like that to happen you should do more to keep your animals on your property. How would you feel if a kind soul was driving down the road with kids in the vehicle and you walked outside and looked up and your cat darted in the road and the kind soul swerved to miss your cat and the people in the vehicle got hurt or even died because of your negligence? I'm not evil just trying to open your eyes.
You raise a point here... sometimes a cat or dog escapes. They dig out of a fence or bolt through an open door. I once had a window screen that failed and my strictly indoor cat climbed out an upstairs window onto the porch roof and down to the ground outside. It might not necessarily even be a totally irresponsible owner, things happen. Since no harm was done, I still vote to drop it at the shelter.
I do agree accidents do happen but most of the time the cat is a indoor outdoor cat, a strictly outside cat, or a feral cat and with most times it's a feral cat or a outside cat. So i shoot, that's my opinion and responsibilitie as a chicken owner to protect them
OP: have you decided what you're doing with the cat yet? Or have you already done something?

I also vote on dropping it off at a humane society/shelter. If it belongs to someone hopefully it has a microchip. My indoor/outdoor cats don't have collars because one nearly choked to death getting it stuck on a tree branch.

None of my cats have gone for chickens, nor any of the many strays we have around. But they can and will kill chicks, and some may even attack adult chickens.
OP: have you decided what you're doing with the cat yet? Or have you already done something?

I also vote on dropping it off at a humane society/shelter. If it belongs to someone hopefully it has a microchip. My indoor/outdoor cats don't have collars because one nearly choked to death getting it stuck on a tree branch.

None of my cats have gone for chickens, nor any of the many strays we have around. But they can and will kill chicks, and some may even attack adult chickens.
How would you feel if someone's dog got loose one time and attack your cat on your property? Or better yet got out one time and was on your property chasing your cat? It's just plain not right

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