FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I think her point was that she uses something dairy based to get fermentation going, lol. I, personally, try to keep it as simple as humanly possible.

You can tell her that you got to the same place~lactobacillus fermentation~without using a dairy starter.
So funny how folks like to complicate a really simple thing, isn't it?
Not sure what you mean by using ACV in your FF?  If you are going to use ACV it would just be a little in the very first batch and then no more, as it's no longer needed...the FF pretty much will make it's own vinegar as a byproduct of the lactobacillus metabolism. 

I was putting a splash of ACV every time I added more feed and more water. That makes sense that.its only a starter tho. Im going to do more research about it all. I also was adding the ACV because of the health benefits but I guess ince you start fermenting your feed you wpuldnt need the ACV.
Since I moved my feed where its cooler, I havent noticed the SCOBY (i think thats what its called) on top
I bought 50 lbs of wheat (that's the smallest it came) to make fodder as a treat once in awhile -- but I'm wondering -- can I mix a bit in with my FF crumbles? I only have 6 girls and this 50 lbs of wheat is going to last a long time.
You can definitely mix in some wheat to the FF. I'm going to be mixing in some oats with hulls and maybe a little barley. I've heard they don't love the whole grain wheat as well as cracked wheat but they will eat it if they are hungry probably.
so I just started my fermented food for the first time today. I have 8 laying chickens and a pair of Pekin's. Want to give them the fermented as the chickens seem to be losing weight. We have had a rotten winter so far and even with the heat lamps I am sure they are using up energy.
I mixed some duck pellets, some chicken grower ( to avoid the layer food, I read too much about the increase in calcium and kidney failure) some scratch and an extra handful of BOSS. I put it in a 5 gallon pail and added water over the top. A couple of glugs of ACV and stirred it up. I let this sit for three days and should be good to go right?

Anyone know how much to feed them?
You'll figure it out once they start eating it. Just put some out in the morning, and see how much they eat. Add more if needed, less the next day if you put out too much the first time. And their intake will vary according to what else they are eating. I took my 5 girls off FF during the winter deep freeze, and they lost a lot of weight, even though they had crumble available all the time. Just started them back on FF within the last couple of weeks, and the difference is unbelievable.

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