FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I have been feeding my chickens FF for 4 days now, un-strained as it is too thick too strain (which I hear is the right consistency for feeding). So far the only change I have noticed was for the first three days their poos were noticeably more watery. It's fine now, so I am putting that down as being because they were getting more water (because the feed was wet) and / or their guts were getting used to the new bacillus in the FF. Kind of like what happens to us when we move to a new country and start assimilating their local 'flora'.

Of course I know that four days is hardly enough time to see any real differences, but I thought I might mention this just in case someone else notices their chooks developing temporary cases of 'Montezuma's Revenge'.
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Expected that their stools would be more watery initially because of the increased water intake. Give it time. You'll be pleased. I did the math recently, and found that I am saving at least 33% by using FF compared to feeding dry pellets.
Hello, I was wondering what grains or feed you guys use for fermented feed. Do you use whole grains or pellets(or crumbles, or mesh)? If grains where do you get your grains?
Hello, I was wondering what grains or feed you guys use for fermented feed. Do you use whole grains or pellets(or crumbles, or mesh)? If grains where do you get your grains?

I have fermented all of those kinds of feed. You basically ferment whatever you usually feed your chickens in the first place.
I tried it this summer and they didn't take to it at all. I used mesh and they just ignored it. I don't think they knew that it was food. How do I Introduce it to them. Can ducks eat fermented food too? I just want to ask to make sure. Thanks for any help!
I tried it this summer and they didn't take to it at all. I used mesh and they just ignored it. I don't think they knew that it was food. How do I Introduce it to them. Can ducks eat fermented food too? I just want to ask to make sure. Thanks for any help!

Sometimes it takes a few days for they will decide to eat it. Try sprinkling a little bit of the dry food on top of it to see if that helps.

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