FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Vent gleet can be caused by fungus or bacteria. It is usually foul smelling, among other things. It can look like poo is clinging to the area when it is actually the fungus. The longer it is left, the more involved it gets ... 

One way to quickly and inexpensively clear up a fungal gleet is to apply athlete's foot cream to the area. If it doesn't clear up rather quickly (think a few days) with athlete's foot cream, then it could be bacterial, and that is a more complicated situation that would require an antibiotic, but which one? 

You can wash the bird's bum, then smear it with the cream, then let her go be a bird. Do that for a few days. Do as you wish with any eggs she lays during this time. I haven't read about any required "withdrawal" period for consuming eggs from a hen treated with athlete's foot cream, but if anyone knows, please share. Typically, the egg production process takes 6 weeks, so that's the most conservative withdrawal period.

Other anti-fungal pharmaceuticals can also be used ... yeast infection creams, jock itch creams. But they are all essentially the same thing that's in athlete's foot cream, which is probably the cheapest and easiest to find.

Gleet can cause a prolapse ... or maybe even vice versa.

I think it was just a build up of poop because after I cleaned it she has stayed clean. I'll keep the info for future reference tho!

The large bulge could be another egg if she's egg bound. I'd keep checking periodically to see it it changes; if not, continue the warm soak.

Idk that she is egg bound because she lays an egg every day... could one be stuck and she can still lay an egg?
Close the thread????? Why in the world would we close the thread?????
Two plus years of work on a thread and folks want to close it?

Here's a suggestion....go out there, start an informative thread, contribute to it for a couple of years, fight off all the trolls, repeat the same info ad nauseum for all the newbies and those who don't want to have to read, search for and paste pertinent links to the thread, keep a loose record of all the feedback so you can repeat for newbies all the benefits folks have reported from using the information, and keep it going as long as possible so that it stays popped up in the "Recent Discussions" portion of the forum so that people can find it.....

...then close it down. Yeah...that's a great culmination of all that effort. Sure...close it down. Just so folks won't have to read the big bad thread.

Gee, if we work real hard we can just start a new thread on the same topic every 20 pages so that we can keep the attention span of the children and they won't have to look hard to find the information therein. Of course, it would be hard to find just which 20 page thread on that topic had the pertinent info one is looking for, but so what? It's only 20 pages per section, so it will be easy to skim.....

Close it down??????

Might as well if this is all that it comes down to...work done for those who don't appreciate it any more than to suggest it be closed down so they can have shorter threads. Only problem with that, who is going to start, maintain and build up these shorter, more efficient threads for the masses?

It won't be me. I hope it's one of the folks who want to close down the big threads because I'd like to see them do a better thread. I'm all eager to learn how to keep a thread from getting big~ while still holding interesting, informative and useful dialogue.

I am not the person who started this thread, and I've only been contributing to it for a few months, and the idea that this thread be killed to allow a shorter version of it to be created is very upsetting to me. That suggestion seems so disrespectful of all the work I've put into contributing good information here. I cannot even imagine how that kind of suggestion must make BK feel!
She has been here for many, many months (years!). What she has contributed in that time is invaluable and amazingly generous. Killing it would be wrong, IMO.

is right.
Is ok to add a few drops of Poly Vi Sol vitamins to FF after it's dished out? Also what is the difference in rolled oats you see in TSC vs oatmeal oats? Which one should be added to FF?

I can't speak about that specific supplement, but in general it is better to add vitamin supplements just prior to serving the FF than it is to add them before fermentation. This is because some vitamins are water soluble.

I've written to the Fertrell company to ask what their recommendation is for when to add their NutriBalancer product to FF. They never answered me. But someone else also asked this question and received a reply they shared here. The reply recommended adding NutriBalancer supplement just prior to serving the fermented feed.
I can't speak about that specific supplement, but in general it is better to add vitamin supplements just prior to serving the FF than it is to add them before fermentation. This is because some vitamins are water soluble.

I've written to the Fertrell company to ask what their recommendation is for when to add their NutriBalancer product to FF. They never answered me. But someone else also asked this question and received a reply they shared here. The reply recommended adding NutriBalancer supplement just prior to serving the fermented feed. 

I was going to add it after i spooned the FF out...just like a few drops.. Thank you :)
x2, x3, x4  It aint gonna happen.  Bee --many many of us so appreciate your fine work. 

It still amazes me some just don't get the simplicity of fermented feed.:he

I agree wholeheartedly!!! I took the time to read the whole thread to fully grasp everything I could. I researched this forum for four months before I made my first post. There really are not any questions that can't be answered by doing a simple search and reading till your head aches!!

Thank You Beekissed!!!

If I can read it top to bottom with an inability to sit more than 10 minutes without excruciating pain others can. :rolleyes: There is such a thing as copy and paste to a word proccessing program where you can edit out what isn't pertinent to you and organize it how you want for yourself.

Mods please do not close this thread because people don't want to read it.

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