FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Anyone doing it?
I am with chickens (22 weeks), one week old chicks and turkeys (20 weeks).

How long have you been doing it?
Just started feeding it a week ago.

Your methods?
Current feed in a 5 gallon bucket, pour in water and put lid on. Stir three times a day. It was ready to use in four days. When it got low I added more feed and water.

Grains/feeds used in this manner?
X-CEL Layer Ration Complete, Chick starter and Game bird pellets. Each in its own bucket.

Your overall review of this method of feeding?
Turkeys - they dove in like I have been starving them!

Chickens - suspicious but our brave Production Red, who is convinced that food is the best thing ever, tasted it and then it was a feeding frenzy.

Chicks - they were a bit easier. I put it in and then tapped my finger in the dish. All came running and while trying to get my finger got some food. They had no problem with it. I do offer them dry chick starter but they rarely eat it, in fact I don't see them eat it unless the FF is gone.

The turkeys and chickens are drinking a LOT less water! I'm not sure how much the weather is playing a part in this but it is really noticeable how much less they drink!

When we get chicks/chickens we put pedialyte in their water for the first 24 hours, the first six hours is straight pedialyte. After that they get a dash of ACV with mother in their water every time we fill it. Since we got our chickens/turkeys on April 4-5, 2014 we have never had lice, mites, fleas, or illness. If I posted pictures of our coop most would wonder how they do so well with how we do things.

Good thing the chickens/turkeys don't read forums or books!
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Is there a way to keep the fruit flies (I think that's what they are, anyway) out of the feed? When I take the cover off the bucket to get some feed out, a whole cloud of them flies up in my face. It seems like they'll lay eggs in the feed and then I'll have larvae in there, doesn't it? I'd like to avoid that...
I thought it was important not to close it up entirely, because you want air to be able to circulate? Or do you just set the lid on top of the towel without pushing it down to close it?
Okay, I'll have to give that a try. Hopefully I can get them all chased out of there prior to putting the towel and lid on!
Next question: Does anyone feed their chickens garlic? Do you add it to your feed before you ferment, or do you just sprinkle some on top when you feed it?
I smash a couple cloves and put them in the water fount.

Hey CC, How are you? Have you ever had a chicken do the "goose-step"? Yesterday my little silkie-frizzle cross began walking by lifting her feet real high in front of her like a Nazi marching . Of course I thought, "She's got dingle berries stuck between her toes!" Nope, all 5 toes good and all the feathers on her feet were as well. She's eating good but laying down to eat most of the time. There is no apparent swelling in either leg. I can't figure it out. I had to separate her because a bigger chick sat on her and was pecking her. She had one eye glued shut so I fixed that and it hasn't gummed up again. Any clues?? Thanks! : (
Okay, maybe a silly question!

I feed twice a day since I do FF. But pretty soon, it'll start getting dark before I get home from work. What do you all do in these situations?

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