FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I don't know... i have 4 hens and i put probably about 3 cups out and now they're starting to pick out the grains/seeds (i feed Scratch n Peck organic layer crumbles) and i'm really kind of getting tired of it all... (in the beginning i used to grind it in a coffee grinder to thoroughly mix the grains in but worried about rancidity with ground grains/seeds)

i guess i just keep scooping it back up and adding it into the FF and re feeding the next day. Also started feeding an organic Layer PELLET which they love, right before they go to roost to ensure their crops are full...tried putting it into the Ferment to ferment but idk....

Also tried cutting way back on the pellets (it's not like they eat a huge amount of it, stuff is SPENDY) and mixing it into the ferment i scoop out and feed before they go into roost and they do eat some of that but i've noticed now that the seeds/grains are missing and most if it just sits there in their feeding trough.

I actually noticed this when i went DOWN from 20% protein Scratch n Peck Layer crumble (fed while they were molting) back down to 16% because the CS person advised me they could get too fat on the 20% but it did have less seeds/grains in it.

Maybe i'll just go back to mixing the Organic pellets and the SnP crumbles and Ferment and if they don't eat enough or like it, TOO BAD. Tired of messing with it all and worrying.

SOunds like your giving too much. 3 cups is what I give my 6 hens and one rooster. I would try giving them less. Start with 1 cup and see how they do and increase if you need to.
I also have 6 hens and 1 cockerel and I give them about 3 cups as well give or take some, depending on how much time they've had to forage.
I just threw out half a 5 gallon bucket of FF this after noon. The stuff had been going for weeks and was just fine. Today when I opened the bucket it was covered in a nasty grey/green/black fuzz. Not the SCOBY that I'm used to seeing in there. So into the BSF bin it went. The larvae will enjoy it I'm sure and I'll start a much smaller batch and rotate it out. Right now I'm just going to give them layer pellets and scratch until I can get another FF going.

I'm leaving my birds for a week. Can I drop down to once a day? I was going to sdd an extra feeder and have care taker come once a day. Do you think this we'll work?
Ak rain
I've got 8 DP adult birds and 12 DP chicks of 6 wks of age and I'm only feeding around 5 cups of FF once per day, they are free ranging...and they are still leaving some behind in the trough at the end of the day. And...they are hugely fat on that ration, so I need to cut back.
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I've got 8 DP adult birds and 12 DP chicks of 6 wks of age and I'm only feeding around 5 cups of FF once per day, they are free ranging...and they are still leaving some behind in the trough at the end of the day.  And...they are hugely fat on that ration, so I need to cut back. 

Do you feed in the morning so they have access to it all day and still don't eat it all or do you feed shortly before they go to roost? My 7 clean up their 3 cups in about an hour in the mornings and by mid afternoon the only one going back to the feeders looking for more is my Hamburg pullet (the rest are dual-purpose).
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Decided to add a bit more water to my FF, it's pretty crumbly.

Also i let them out to free range during the day and later in the day i bring out the rest of the FF and they do gobble it but it's ANNOYING (LOL) because they like it in a big flat "plate" (which is actually a big planter saucer) and of course they kick it out and mash it.

I've let them do that on the grass and it molds so i'm very wary of doing it on the grass so i'll put the plate on my sidewalk. PAIN IN THE BUTT but they do think they're getting a treat and not they're "normal" food!
I've got 8 DP adult birds and 12 DP chicks of 6 wks of age and I'm only feeding around 5 cups of FF once per day, they are free ranging...and they are still leaving some behind in the trough at the end of the day. And...they are hugely fat on that ration, so I need to cut back.

I feed my 7 chickens 3 cups in the morning, which they usually finish off in a few hours (3-4 hours)

They get 1 cup around 3 or 4pm which usually only lasts an hour

And at night I give them another 2 cups, which they usually still have some left in the mornings. so 6 cups for 7 chickens.

I would try to reduce your feedings. my 1 4 wk chick and my 6 2 weeks chicks all eat about 1 cup a day. sometimes 1 cup will last a day and a half.

Maybe reduce your feeding to 4 cups and see how they do. If free ranging they may be getting their bellies full. My full grown chicks free range all day and go to bed at night.
Do you feed in the morning so they have access to it all day and still don't eat it all or do you feed shortly before they go to roost? My 7 clean up their 3 cups in about an hour in the mornings and by mid afternoon the only one going back to the feeders looking for more is my Hamburg pullet (the rest are dual-purpose).

Feed each evening in warmer, good forage months and in the morning in the winter. Right now, in the morning.

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