Fermented Feeds

You have your answer. With my chicks, they were resisting eating the ferment. But they would eat crumble and they would eat mashed hard boiled egg. So, I mashed some egg, mixed a spoonful of yogurt for a soured flavor, and some dry crumbles. They ate that, and when it was about half gone, I started adding some spoonfuls of ff. Then, they learned to eat the ff and have been on since. Just know the little picky butts may resist at first.

Thanks, I'll see how it goes. At worst, I've wasted a couple cups worth of feed.
Can starter/grower like DuMor Poultry chick 20% starter/grower be used for ff? Or does it have to be whole grains?


I ferment which ever feed I decide to feed my checks or grown hands. Right now I am feeding my new checks fermented medicated chick starter. No problems. You can ferment anything. Does not have to be whole grains. You can ferment mash, crumbles, pellets or whole grains or a mixture of all of the above.
If I am incorrect then I hope someone says, but my understanding of FF and medicated chick feed isn't that it's not possible or good. It's that the fermenting processes neutralize the coccidistat, making it a traditional feed. But the benefits of FF outweigh the need for medicated starter to me.
If I am incorrect then I hope someone says, but my understanding of FF and medicated chick feed isn't that it's not possible or good. It's that the fermenting processes neutralize the coccidistat, making it a traditional feed. But the benefits of FF outweigh the need for medicated starter to me.

Maybe. I don't know I have always just fermented it .
I ferment medicated chick starter, no clue if it neutralizes but perhaps others that have alot more experience will clarify for us "new BYCs". I ferment from the beginning & love that their poop is firmer, not stinky & alot less of it
There's the important benefits but the poop is instant results, ha ha
I've read a bit more of FF. It (http://www.gardenbetty.com/2013/05/why-and-how-to-ferment-your-chicken-feed/) says to use declorinated water, this first batch, I used chlorinated (minimal amount allowed by law) tap water. Is this bad? Or will it just take a little longer to ferment? Also, it says to use a lid, I think I read here not too?

Are use regular tapwater. On my 3 gallon bucket I have a lid that I loosely put over the top, and I use a glass jar for the chick food. I just put a hand towel over the top of it. No matter what you use I wouldn't put the lid on tightly, especially on a glass jar or it could blow up on you.
Are use regular tapwater. On my 3 gallon bucket I have a lid that I loosely put over the top, and I use a glass jar for the chick food. I just put a hand towel over the top of it. No matter what you use I wouldn't put the lid on tightly, especially on a glass jar or it could blow up on you.

I use tap water & don't use a lid, FF needs to breathe. I only have 5 girls so I don't need alot, keep mine in the house, love the sour dough smell
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I use tape water & don't use a lid, FF needs to breathe.  I only have 5 girls so I don't need alot, keep mine in the house, love the sour dough smell

I keep mine in the house also. For 5 chickens a 1 or two gallon bucket would probably be more than enough for you.. doesn't take up much room. I actually got free buckets from the grocery store bakery.

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