Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Oh my goodness. I let their dry feed run out. I took just one loaf dish full out. Chica tested it, and then there was a blur of colors jumping and diving. 3 minutes tops and it was gone. Filled it again. This time it took about 10 minutes. They LOVE it!!

Woohoo!! Fermented strikes again.
Leslie Joyce has a link on the pH of it and the benefits from feeding at different levels of fermentation.

Another thing to consider when thinking of adding stray ingredients into your FF bucket is, will it add nutrients or take away from the total nutrients fed by diluting them? I'm doubting coffee grounds have anything a chicken needs...maybe fiber? They aren't like worms where you can just recycle all your garbage into their food and expect it will all be of high nutrition for them.
Also the more moving parts a machine has the more likely something will break. The more things you add to your ferment the more likely it is to have issues. Keep in mind the reason fermenting is good for grain based food it the break down of the antinutrients, and the digestive "blockers" designed into the grain to protect it from digestion and preserve it's ability to germinate and grow a plant. If the additives don't need this "break down" why risk the health and stability of your ferment, just feed the additives you want, adding them at feed out or on the side.
Oh my goodness. I let their dry feed run out. I took just one loaf dish full out. Chica tested it, and then there was a blur of colors jumping and diving. 3 minutes tops and it was gone. Filled it again. This time it took about 10 minutes. They LOVE it!!

HA! It's like chicken crack!

Today after my meaties ate their feed the feed pan got flipped in the frenzy. This afternoon I found a meatie bird underneath the pan. I guess he had a restful day. LOL
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Well girls, (and boys) having read the 'Road Less Travelled' and this thread, and JUST having finished 'Fermented Feeds Anyone Using them' ........................................................ each and every post on all three threads ........................................

I think I can now take off my 'diapers' and put on my 'little girl pants' now - I am growing up!

Just as well, I am off to visit my son and grandson tomorrow for a week - and can ruminate on all the info at my leisure.

Have set everything up for my hubby on the feeding - I have one bucket going - and I started another one off yesterday - already bubbling nicely - so he can use the new one from about Sunday - so my girls should survive a week with his ministrations - not much can go wrong (she says hopefully) - he has strict instructions to completely stir both buckets every day - or else.

My first job when I get back after checking on my girls??????????? Go and get some more girls of course! Chicken Math rules!
@Wolfpup... Great! If you read ALL OF THAT you definitely know more than I do. LOL Enjoy your trip and don't worry about the stirring. I make my ff so thick I pretty much can't stir it after I initially make it unless I hit a thinner spot. All that stirring really isn't necessary. Take care.
@Wolfpup... Great! If you read ALL OF THAT you definitely know more than I do. LOL Enjoy your trip and don't worry about the stirring. I make my ff so thick I pretty much can't stir it after I initially make it unless I hit a thinner spot. All that stirring really isn't necessary. Take care.

Good advice! I do the same....no stirring after the refreshing due to the thickness of it all.
@Wolfpup... Great! If you read ALL OF THAT you definitely know more than I do. LOL Enjoy your trip and don't worry about the stirring. I make my ff so thick I pretty much can't stir it after I initially make it unless I hit a thinner spot. All that stirring really isn't necessary. Take care.

I have to give him something to do to feel useful
Well girls, (and boys) having read the 'Road Less Travelled' and this thread, and JUST having finished 'Fermented Feeds Anyone Using them' ........................................................ each and every post on all three threads ........................................

I think I can now take off my 'diapers' and put on my 'little girl pants' now - I am growing up!

Just as well, I am off to visit my son and grandson tomorrow for a week - and can ruminate on all the info at my leisure.

Have set everything up for my hubby on the feeding - I have one bucket going - and I started another one off yesterday - already bubbling nicely - so he can use the new one from about Sunday - so my girls should survive a week with his ministrations - not much can go wrong (she says hopefully) - he has strict instructions to completely stir both buckets every day - or else.

My first job when I get back after checking on my girls??????????? Go and get some more girls of course! Chicken Math rules!

Yea!!!! Wolfpup, you are doing great. Always prepared.

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