Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Yes. I keep first aid things for wounds. I keep Blue Kote and a Blood Stop powder in the barn. Only used it once this year when the roo caught a spur in the fence. Used both and the spur fell off in five days without complications. I don't use anti-biotics on the chickens. If the chicken dies it is worthless as meat and I wouldn't eat any eggs from a treated bird. That's just me.
Agree. I did use corid once though I received a shipment of BCM's that had coccidiosis that I paid $175 for and did not want to take the chance. They were suppose to be day old's but ranged from 1 week to 3 maybe 4 weeks old. Two of them had blood is their stool and looked bad. Some others did not look all that good. So corid it was but if they get it again they're gone. They are 5 months old now and everything is good. To say the least I was super p*ssed.
http://herbs.lovetoknow.com/Ichthammol_Ointment Thanks for the link pigeonguy, I didn't know what is is and this explains it and whats in it. Similar to Nustock but has other herbs too so i'll be adding it to my med chest.
Ya it's good stuff. If a cow, pig, sheep, goat, dog whatever got in infection in a wound a big glob of ichthammol was put on and an old rag tied around it and a few days later all was good. I got a couple infection at times and the same was done to me. Smells terrible and we wore it to school but I don't remember any of the farm kids that did not smell of it at one time or another. So no one payed the smell no never mind. I used it on my kids and will use it on they're kids too or whatever gets hurt.
IMO It has way different uses than nu stock though and it is thick like grease and does not separate.
Think I should put the link on the natural thread
Ya it's good stuff. If a cow, pig, sheep, goat, dog whatever got in infection in a wound a big glob of ichthammol was put on and an old rag tied around it and a few days later all was good. I got a couple infection at times and the same was done to me. Smells terrible and we wore it to school but I don't remember any of the farm kids that did not smell of it at one time or another. So no one payed the smell no never mind. I used it on my kids and will use it on they're kids too or whatever gets hurt.
IMO It has way different uses than nu stock though and it is thick like grease and does not separate.
Think I should put the link on the natural thread
yes you should. I like to use natural, it's the only thing I have in the med chest beside iodine, I have a hen that I have been using Nustock on her foot she started getting bumble but it's gone down and no redness or heat now, I bet your stuff would work on it too.
Yes. I keep first aid things for wounds. I keep Blue Kote and a Blood Stop powder in the barn. Only used it once this year when the roo caught a spur in the fence. Used both and the spur fell off in five days without complications. I don't use anti-biotics on the chickens. If the chicken dies it is worthless as meat and I wouldn't eat any eggs from a treated bird. That's just me.
Mumsy, I've had four chickens die since I started my flock in October and all were unknown causes. It seemed like such a waste to throw it away. Do you eat chickens you didn't kill yourself, or a chicken that you had to put out of its misery?
yes you should. I like to use natural, it's the only thing I have in the med chest beside iodine, I have a hen that I have been using Nustock on her foot she started getting bumble but it's gone down and no redness or heat now, I bet your stuff would work on it too.
Don't know never tried it for that. Hope I never have to.
Mumsy, I've had four chickens die since I started my flock in October and all were unknown causes. It seemed like such a waste to throw it away. Do you eat chickens you didn't kill yourself, or a chicken that you had to put out of its misery?
Yes. I have when I have found the bird soon enough. Or made the decision that the bird was suffering and it was not in its or my best interest to prolong the birds life. This is not uncommon for me because I'm retired and know where my birds are and what they're doing and how they're doing 24/7. I would not process a dead bird in my coop that had been there more than an hour or so. And...I bleed ALL dead birds by putting a knife to the throat. If blood doesn't run, I don't eat it. Then...I open the bird up and take a good long hard look at what is going on inside that bird. If I ever found tape worm in a bird that bird is not on the menu. Not. Ever. People can die from tape worm. Period. I don't care if that bird is charred over fire until it's crispy. I won't eat it. That's just me.
If you find a dead bird in your coop and you don't know how long it's been there? This is another option. I used to raise purebred registered Springer Spaniels. Dead chickens were never wasted. I processed them. Checked for tape worm. If clean they were boiled down, deboned, and fed to the dogs. Puppies raised on cooked chicken mash thrived. Many people feed raw chicken. Bones and all. I would not feed raw home raised chicken because of the threat of disease that is unknown and the worm issue.
Thank you, Mumsy!
When I tried to ferment my dogs' food (Costco brand kibble), all it did was make it swell up. It did not keep ANY liquid in the bucket. It ALL went into the food. It was just swollen kibble. It never bubbled. Am I missing something or?????

I have my dogs on ff and it works well for them. I add enough water so it covers it when I start a batch.It does fluff up quite a bit. I do not see the bubbles like I do with fermented scratch grain. scratch grain is loose and can take more water. The dog ff smells fermented in 2 days and I feed it out to 6 days. As far as the effects well my shedding machine Lab slowed right down and my Hound has not been dropping her gas bombs all the time. So it may look bad all swollen and wet ( just like one of the dogs lost lunch
) but it works wonders. Our vet is against all dry food because the dog may not get enough liquid and develop kidney problems so this is a good fix, I couldn't stand all the dog food cans! I ferment dog food in the 2 bucket system so there is always liquid in the bottom bucket and I use that liquid to start the next batch.
I have my dogs on ff and it works well for them. I add enough water so it covers it when I start a batch.It does fluff up quite a bit. I do not see the bubbles like I do with fermented scratch grain. scratch grain is loose and can take more water. The dog ff smells fermented in 2 days and I feed it out to 6 days. As far as the effects well my shedding machine Lab slowed right down and my Hound has not been dropping her gas bombs all the time. So it may look bad all swollen and wet ( just like one of the dogs lost lunch
) but it works wonders. Our vet is against all dry food because the dog may not get enough liquid and develop kidney problems so this is a good fix, I couldn't stand all the dog food cans! I ferment dog food in the 2 bucket system so there is always liquid in the bottom bucket and I use that liquid to start the next batch.
I used to swell food up for my poodle when she had pups, and she had the worst gas of her life. It was beyond nasty. The dog even left the room when she let one rip it was so bad.

Neither of my dogs have smelly farts right now, but it would be nice for my LGD to be on fermented feed, as she eats a WHOLE lot of food. My house dogs hardly eat and they are so healthy, but the poodle has a thing for chicken FF. She will eat any spills.

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