Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I was comparing this years egg rates with last years and was fully expecting the decrease in lay to start going up the first week in January, like it did last year. Instead it dropped so much that only 4 hens out of 18 were laying at all. I did take into consideration that the older half could be molting (invisibly) or something, but even the pullets quit. The big difference was that I was using FF this year. I was seriously thinking about switching back to free feeding layer pellets when the guy at the feed store suggested adding fish meal to the mix. So, I got 1 bag to try. It's about 1/6th to 1/5th of the mix. Last week I got 23 eggs. This week I got 49. From the egg colors, I can tell that 7 hens have started laying that haven't been laying since October. Whew! Almost had to tell the local restaurant I couldn't be a supplier anymore!

Q about Layer Mash - where are you guys getting this? Am I right in thinking that this isn't a pelleted feed? More grain-like?
I'd be interested in the answer to the layer mash too. Also, do you mix the layer ration and the grains together in the same bucket, or ferment them in separate buckets?
I ferment in one bucket. Layer pellets, scratch/COB and fish meal. I'll scoop out the feed until there's about a quarter bucket left, then I add more food & warm water and cover. I add food about every 3 days.

So you do not worry about draining off the excess water? I just started my first batch and am just using one bucket also, was thinking I might drain into another bucket but hadn't decided yet...I'm just using layer crumbles as it's what I had on-hand, but plan to try with whole grains later on...
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Yep, just like always. That's why I thought it looked so weird. My other bucket is still going strong. When I stir it all up (this new bucket), then it looks bubbly and all but after a bit, there's the separation. I stir it up before giving it to them.
Oh, ok, I guess i didn't totally understand the issue. Water does rise to the top when you're using the processed feed, unless you add more feed. When I did that, I would try to keep it pretty thick. It made serving it up so much easier!

I was comparing this years egg rates with last years and was fully expecting the decrease in lay to start going up the first week in January, like it did last year. Instead it dropped so much that only 4 hens out of 18 were laying at all. I did take into consideration that the older half could be molting (invisibly) or something, but even the pullets quit. The big difference was that I was using FF this year. I was seriously thinking about switching back to free feeding layer pellets when the guy at the feed store suggested adding fish meal to the mix. So, I got 1 bag to try. It's about 1/6th to 1/5th of the mix. Last week I got 23 eggs. This week I got 49. From the egg colors, I can tell that 7 hens have started laying that haven't been laying since October. Whew! Almost had to tell the local restaurant I couldn't be a supplier anymore!

Q about Layer Mash - where are you guys getting this? Am I right in thinking that this isn't a pelleted feed? More grain-like?
Part of the problem may have been the deep freeze we experienced a couple weeks ago (or more). My birds quit laying too. It was so bloody cold, we never got out of the low teens during the "heat" of the day!
So, I am doing a small batch to give the girls and see what they think of it, its stewing in the kitchen in a mason jar... lets see what happens :)
I made a 3 gallon batch and they have been taking to it since day 1. So, I started another batch while I work through the current bucket of fermented grains.
I just ran out for more feed.

My flock raiser [from southern states] is 18% protein
My layer feed [same brand] only has 16% protein.

I wonder why the protein count is lower for the layer feed than the babies. I would think it would be consistently the same.

Oh well, I'll just have to get a couple shaker bottles from GNC and start giving the girls vanilla protein shakes in the morning. LMAO.
Have you seen how much a layer eats?? When my girls are laying, their feed consumption skyrockets!! So while the % is less, the total consumption of protein in a day is far more. I will make this up to illustrate.

non-laying hen adult weight-- eats 1/4 cup a day
layer adult weight --eats about 1/2 cup a day

If you feed the same grain ( same % protein) , see how the hen is eating twice the amount of protein when she is laying? My layers turn into eating machines!

Babies will double their weight in a week-- that is a lot of protien per mouthful for tiny ones. My broodies take their babies for a cruise eating a huge number of bugs in the soil, leaves etc. Bugs are high protein.
Where do I get fish meal? I've not had an issue with egg laying, all my girls are new layers and I'm getting 5-9 a day from 9. I would like to give them some extra protein though, just to have it in there.
I ferment in one bucket. Layer pellets, scratch/COB and fish meal. I'll scoop out the feed until there's about a quarter bucket left, then I add more food & warm water and cover. I add food about every 3 days.
OK, then I'm doing it right :) I'm having a hard time gauging where the liquid in the bottom bucket is, end up putting too much layer crumbles & water in.When I try to mix it after they soak up the water, the liquid from the bottom bucket spills out the sides. I'll just have to get better about knowing how much to add back in. Thanks!

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