Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Everybody needs lots and lots of free range chickens!!!

Finally! Someone gets it....yes, more free ranged chickens!!! The benefits are myriad for the bird, for your lawn, for your life....

Uhhhh guys, I have a fear of heights also!
Floating downward was peaceful and beautiful.

Lisa :)

I have developed a fear of heights over the years as well...not so much in my mind, but my body does weird things that I cannot control. But...I STILL wanna sky dive!
I'll probably never get to do that on this Earth but I intend to fly one day when I mount up on wings, as eagles...and there will be no strange feelings in my body, no fear, nothing but peace and joy as I fly outta this ol' coop on a wing and a prayer!!!
Finally!  Someone gets it....yes, more free ranged chickens!!!  The benefits are myriad for the bird, for your lawn, for your life....  :yiipchick

I have developed a fear of heights over the years as well...not so much in my mind, but my body does weird things that I cannot control.  But...I STILL wanna sky dive!  :yesss:   I'll probably never get to do that on this Earth but I intend to fly one day when I mount up on wings, as eagles...and there will be no strange feelings in my body, no fear, nothing but peace and joy as I fly outta this ol' coop on a wing and a prayer!!!  :weee

Oh I got it all along. The reason I got these dinosaur creatures is for bug control and eggs - about equal. But I think MORE people should have them for bug control EVERYWHERE! The government should give incintives for chicken ownership! They've dun mo stupider thangs! LOL

It is really really strange, I never ever had a fear of heights until maybe 5 years ago. I didn't even know I had it until I went into a big open building. Actually maybe it's not a fear of heights. It is kind of a fear of BIG open spaces. I went in this big fancy building where concerts and that sort of thing are held. When you walk in the door it is BIG and open like 50 feet high ceiling. I got freakishly dizzy from that, not to mention going up then looking down! I get dizzy and feel like I'm going to fall for real. I feel like everything is moving and I'm going to fall! Okay, like the bed spinning after a bender (waaay back in the day). LOL It feels exactly like that. "What's wrong with me doctor!!???!!" lol
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Same here on the big and tall spaces, though not in a building...just driving over big mountains(never had that before) or looking out over an overlook that is high up...never had that before either. Just like you, it's been in about the past 5 years as well. Call me crazy, but the Earth is moving more nowadays and I feel those with a more sensitive inner ear seem to be feeling it more than others. I'm thinking we feel it all the more in these types of situations.

Another thing that has been happening in the past 5 years at random times...and this has nothing to do with fluid on the inner ear and such, nor motion causing the otoliths to move. I can be sitting still with my head completely still and the room does that same thing you describe. Feels like I'm on a ship and the deck is tilting.

I've been walking along before and just start staggering to one side and the earth seems to be tilting, causing me to feel dizzy. As a nurse, I was thinking I was having a health problem...until my mother and one of my sisters reported having the same kind of episodes and in the same manner and all starting during the same time frame. That earth is movin', folks!
I think it is this thread where someone mentioned homemade mayo a little while ago. I am curious about the risk of salmonella, etc. from raw eggs. Please educate me

Salmonella is not nearly as large of a concern as the CDC and FDA have led you to believe. Remember, we are the only developed country in the world that cleans the bloom off and refrigerates our eggs. If you travel anywhere else, they are sitting on the shelf just like a loaf of bread. But I'll spare the conspiracy theory for now...

There is always a slight chance of disease, as with everything, but you can do quite a few things to minimize it. The first is maintaining healthy chickens, a healthy coop and run, a clean nesting box, clean hands during handling and wash the eggs immediately before use. A properly designed nesting box should not have any poop or strange matter in it. The only reason I have found to clean my nesting box is because the girls are kicking out the hay when they make their "nest." It's more of a replenishing of material than an actual cleaning. When you wash your eggs, use water that is reasonably warmer than the temperature of the egg. Theoretically, it causes the contents to swell from the heat and will push the microorganisms out of the egg, or prevent them from getting in. Washing with cold water will make the contents contract, pulling air, moisture and microorganisms in through the porous shell. I think this relates more to cleaning before storage, as the eggs are going to be cracked immediately in your case anyway, but you get the idea.
Same here on the big and tall spaces, though not in a building...just driving over big mountains(never had that before) or looking out over an overlook that is high up...never had that before either.  Just like you, it's been in about the past 5 years as well.  Call me crazy, but the Earth is moving more nowadays and I feel those with a more sensitive inner ear seem to be feeling it more than others.  I'm thinking we feel it all the more in these types of situations. 

Another thing that has been happening in the past 5 years at random times...and this has nothing to do with fluid on the inner ear and such, nor motion causing the otoliths to move.  I can be sitting still with my head completely still and the room does that same thing you describe.  Feels like I'm on a ship and the deck is tilting.

I've been walking along before and just start staggering to one side and the earth seems to be tilting, causing me to feel dizzy.  As a nurse, I was thinking I was having a health problem...until  my mother and one of my sisters reported having the same kind of episodes and in the same manner and all starting during the same time frame.  That earth is movin', folks!  :D

I am glad somebody knows what I am talking about!!! This really ticks me off, a "fear of heights" just isn't me! I got in an elevator a couple years ago, one wall was solid glass that looked outside. I thought to myself, "oh this is so pretty". Then it started moving and let me tell you I grabbed the walls! I probably looked like one of those black cats on a cartoon that got the life scared out of it. LOL
I do that too while just walking along, out of the blue start veering off to the left or right. Sometimes have to grab something to keep from falling. Lately it is also happening while sitting around. It happened yesterday while I was in the youngster's coop. You know what would have happened if I had fell!?! Goodbye old girl, chickie food! LOL
Yep...not me either. I've never been overly afraid of heights but my body is sensing something there that my mind is not. My DIL has lived in the mountains all her life and is just now getting very much increased anxiety symptoms while traveling over them...just this past year.

I think of the Earth as much like a tall reed or similar supple item that when moved at the base doesn't move as much as the tallest section, so if the base it moving even a little, the uppermost projections and those projections built onto the base are going to see more movement than if one is standing at the base. I think those tectonic plates are shifting a good bit more lately and when we are in a high place or in a building that is high, we are feeling it more.

I normally get motion sickness pretty easily, so when I start to feel the same thing when I'm standing or sitting still, I know that something is moving and it ain't me! Gotta be where I'm standing or sitting.
Thank you Rose. I thought it would be fine, but found it odd that it changed consistency recently. I did just change to the higher protein crumble. Perhaps that is the cause???

Crumble just dissolves into tiny particles when wet, so it makes a paste, whereas if you use things like mash it is a rougher, less peanut buttery smooth paste and more like smashed potatoes.  It's all good..just different textures.  When you get out of crumble and into the big stuff it will have more texture to it.  I find it easier to feed at a peanut butter consistency...makes me feel like a school lunch lady plopping that stuff in the trough.."Here ya go, kiddies! PLOP...enjoy." 

I do the same thing! In fact I plop it from more of a height than I really need to just to get that "yuck" look to it and then say "UMMMMM Look tasty!" Guess we have to entertain ourselves somehow.


I do the same thing! In fact I plop it from more of a height than I really need to just to get that "yuck" look to it and then say "UMMMMM Look tasty!" Guess we have to entertain ourselves somehow.

yeah it just soaked up more water is all and I just plain stop putting as much water in mine so I wouldn't have to strain the stuff. Takes too much time. I just make sure the walls are scraped down clean so none will mold on the walls of my bucket.
I am glad somebody knows what I am talking about!!! This really ticks me off, a "fear of heights" just isn't me! I got in an elevator a couple years ago, one wall was solid glass that looked outside. I thought to myself, "oh this is so pretty". Then it started moving and let me tell you I grabbed the walls! I probably looked like one of those black cats on a cartoon that got the life scared out of it. LOL

SAME here! I just thought it was my thyroids since they're acting up. In fact last year I got up one morning and the whole room was spinning. I couldn't open my eyes because it was soooo bad. I had to have help to walk and everything. Wound up at the Dr. office and he gave me something to stop it and thank goodness that one was the only really bad time. But yep this is also happening to me. I can't even squat down anymore without falling over backwards or swaying back and forth trying to keep my balance! Some really weird stuff.

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