Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I read on one website that you can even use a bar of Ivory soap! I don't know but I wonder how well that cleans? I also read that any castile soap will work. I haven't tried any others but I do like the Fels Naptha. I found it at Walmart. I found the Borax in a Food Giant grocery store.

I did try the Ivory and dearly LOVED how it smelled but couldn't get it to clean my clothes well but it might would work now with this new recipe.
Sure is, but I don't own it..just read about it, used it and found it good...much like everything else that I've tried.

It's excellent on all that and I have found no downside to it except dingy whites..some state they take care of that with putting vinegar in the rinse water. I took care of it by buying colored bras, undies and socks. I like final solutions, as you may have noticed.
Don't like fussy little routines for things and if it can't be done quickly and efficiently, I usually don't do it unless maybe making my own breads. I like that process so much that I will take the time to do it. It soothes me!

I use the original recipe of Fels Naptha, Borax and A&H washing soda(not baking soda)~the liquid version. I live in a humid climate, so the powder version would cake up for me and be like a brick by the time I hit bottom of the bucket. I also like how the liquid dissolves in the wash, as I don't often use hot water and the soap may not dissolve all the way in cold.

Been doing this for nigh on 7 years I think...I would never go back to regular detergents. This is so cheap and leaves my clothes so clean smelling...like cloth instead of perfume..and the clothes are not stiff with detergents so if you hang them out to dry they don't stiffen up as badly. And I can wash a load of laundry for about $.02 a load and that can't be beat. I love the smell in the house when I'm cooking this soap down and I like the feeling of having several jugs on the larder shelves, not having to remember to buy detergent at the store, and not having to throw away my detergent jugs. I've got some I've been using for the entire 7 years...those things just don't deteriorate much.

Not much of a downside to it and it got my boy's clothes clean and that's saying a lot! It's good for the septic system as well, so it's all a win/win/win/win/win...well, you get the picture.

yeah mine did that on the powder when I first started doing it to, wouldn't dissolve in the water. I don't use hot water to wash my clothes in. I tried the liquid but didn't like having to cook it, too much trouble and time. ;-) So I started doing the powder again. In fact when I did the liquid I also used it in my dishwasher to.
We use DE or Sevin dust on the carpets then let it set a few days before vacuuming.

yep I let my sevin sit for several hours before I vacuumed it up to.
I would ALSO wear a good dust mask now as well as putting w window fan in the window with it open to pull the dust outta there as you vacuum it up. Might not be good to breath at all. The fan in the window would help pull it out of the air I am sure.
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We use DE or Sevin dust on the carpets then let it set a few days before vacuuming.

I tell ya, I don't know when I have ever been so clean! I have scrubbed myself head to toe so many times. lol Whatever does get on me are ending up dead due to the Dawn dishwashing liquid, so that makes me feel better. Laundry in the washer and dryer and fixing to clean the floors again. Ahhhhh the joy of it all! LOL

Thank you guys for the Sevin advise
I tell ya, I don't know when I have ever been so clean! I have scrubbed myself head to toe so many times. lol Whatever does get on me are ending up dead due to the Dawn dishwashing liquid, so that makes me feel better. Laundry in the washer and dryer and fixing to clean the floors again. Ahhhhh the joy of it all! LOL

Thank you guys for the Sevin advise

lol bless your heart! I know it's makes me itch just thinking about it. NOT fun to be in your shoes! Just do be careful and wear a dust mask and put a fan in the window to suck it out of the air inside your house. You'd be amazed at how much dust and stuff gets in the air when you vacuum. You will have to also clean your filters in your vacuum once you're done to since this is soooo fine.
Thank you all who replied to my fermented feed post. I appreciate your feedback so much. Some great tips too. I have now moved to a 2 1/2 gallon bucket with less water and it worked great.

Also wanted to say thanks for the laundry recipe. I have seen it on pinterest, but really wanted to hear feedback on how it really works. Now the decision of liquid or powder?
@ Rose.. thank you!
@ dizzychicken... you're welcome and glad to have you in "the BYC Fermented Feed Neighborhood" ! lol :)

Where is everybody at these days? Have you all gone to Hawaii and left me?!?
Can any of you guys tell me how risky it is to bring in eggs from an outside flock and let a broody hatch them? I've got a pullet that is wanting to hatch out some babies and I'd like to get her just a few guinea eggs. I know a lot of people do it but how likely is it that disease can be spread? Thanks as always!

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