Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

And these are just old hatchery mutts...can you imagine what real chickens look like on FF?

Not only can I imagine, but I get to see it every day. I'm sure there will come a day when I may take it for granted that I have some truly special, heritage breeds. But for now, the New Hampshires and the Black Copper Marans are awe-inspiring every time I see them, especially in the sunlight. The coloring is fabulous and their development has been so excellent. My hatchery Barred Rocks pale in comparison and almost look ugly standing next to them. I don't have any superb photos like those, though. These are a few months old, but it's my cockerel, Ninja. Maybe if they'll allow, I can get some better photos tonight.

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I do believe this is "stank eye" close up! lol She's not happy with me because I keep making her get off the nest. She was a grouch yesterday so decided hop on the lawn mower stirring wheel as I sat there watching them and told me about it. lol That was the first time they'd been out in a while.

Wow, that's a glossy, fat hen! And in the middle of molt season, no less.

Are you all finding a better, glossier feathering on your birds...I can see these last two pics show some vibrant colors and sheen. I think most have reported this but wondering if some of the folks more new to FF are seeing a change in feather quality and shine?
Wow, that's a glossy, fat hen!  And in the middle of molt season, no less. 

Are you all finding a better, glossier feathering on your birds...I can see these last two pics show some vibrant colors and sheen.  I think most have reported this but wondering if some of the folks more new to FF are seeing a change in feather quality and shine?

They have been on ff most of the time. They are about 27 weeks old. They are plump but she was ill at the world and all fluffed up yesterday. lol
Here is one of my newest additions in May. She has been t ranging with FF at night (But she was getting FF 2x per day before I started a month or so ago changing it to once a day) Stella is about 18 weeks old. She is as big as my older hens.......and she is still growing (not laying yet) She was the smallest of the pullets I got. She is going thru a juvie molt but she has the softest feathers coming in

And my Sophie-BCM....she is about 19 weeks....same food as Stella. On her you can see her shine. Her feathers are just as soft. Not laying yet either.

Good advertisement for FF girls

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