Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I can't wait to get all my feed and a supply of water outside at the coop. Hauling it out there twice a day has got old! If I didn't have my lawn mower and little pull behind trailer I'd be up the creek!
I can't wait to get all my feed and a supply of water outside at the coop. Hauling it out there twice a day has got old! If I didn't have my lawn mower and little pull behind trailer I'd be up the creek!

How many chickens are you afeedin' and awaterin'???
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I might try a Heated horse bucket for it this winter. Its so much easier to have it in the coop.

Genius. Sheer genius. Why didn't I think of that??
I even use the heated horse bucket for my dog's water all winter and it didn't occur to me to recommend this for others. Sometimes my head is just THICK and WOOLLY.
I'm going to steal that for my one day future book if you don't mind..... and I may see if my sister still has the heated bucket I gave her a couple of years ago and is not using it so I can borrow it back for my own FF.

Listen up, folks...THIS is why we have a community and more heads working on these threads! So that many can help with good solutions.
How many chickens are you afeedin???  :th

Not that many! lol About 20 youngsters and 10 in the layer pen and the two dogs. I do finally have them all on the same feed so that helps. I usually head out the door with the chicken feed in a bucket, dogfood in something and at least two gallons of water and something to put the eggs in.
Not that many! lol About 20 youngsters and 10 in the layer pen and the two dogs. I do finally have them all on the same feed so that helps. I usually head out the door with the chicken feed in a bucket, dogfood in something and at least two gallons of water and something to put the eggs in.

Ah...gotcha. I keep the dog food where I feed the dog and the chicken feed where I feed the chicken, so I just have to tote a bucket every other day for both species water needs. Then I just tote the eggs back to the house in my shirt!
Listen up, folks...THIS is why we have a community and more heads working on these threads!  So that many can help with good solutions.  :thumbsup

Ditto! And I'm going to invent that small animal passive solar heated waterer! I've got to drag out the power tools! LOL
Ah...gotcha.  I keep the dog food where I feed the dog and the chicken feed where I feed the chicken, so I just have to tote a bucket every other day for both species water needs.  Then I just tote the eggs back to the house in my shirt!  :D

I've put the eggs in my pockets before but I was skeerd I was gonna forget they were there and have an accident! lol But that wouldn't be as bad as the boy I know that had super glue in his pocket. He went to pee and everything was all stuck. Somebody had to go buy super glue remover before he could get his pants off that day! LOL
I've put the eggs in my pockets before but I was skeerd I was gonna forget they were there and have an accident! lol But that wouldn't be as bad as the boy I know that had super glue in his pocket. He went to pee and everything was all stuck. Somebody had to go buy super glue remover before he could get his pants off that day! LOL

I've done that!
Put the eggs in a coat pocket, forgot they were there, and had an accident...all in the learning curve!
Please let us see pics of the solar water heater and such and keep us apprised of it's performance. Ya never know when something like that will come in real, real handy!

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