Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

i am making a plan for feeding now. i may want to try calf manna. however i want to wait and see.. that stuff is expensive. i will next week be adding boss to the fermented feed.. the norm for my chickens is when the protein drops the egg production drops. my feed mill only sells 16%. my chickens do better on 17-18%. i just have to play with it and see. it will take awhile to figure this out.

Ok now I can't stand it any longer, I'm reading this whole thread and keeping up with the new stuff too, however, someone needs to (maybe in the beginning and once in a while during) explain all of the acronyms ( I always hated acronyms) for dummies like me. I had the problem with UP/ACV kinda figured it out ACV part and when I asked the UP part came to me. It's not working this time what in the blue moon is BOSS, I guess I'm just THICK. I'm definatly going to do this FF thing with my meatys and probably the layers as well. Anything that cut down the smell can't be bad... I cleaned out the tractor/brooder I have in the attached garage the other day and it was a warm day so they were outside in the tractor (and were panting), Short version, the last tub of shavings I forgot to dump and it rained and the tub got water in it, now I have a strong stomache but when I dumped it I almost hurled, I'm telling you now, that was some nasty stuff for day old poop...Yeechk!!


PS my layers nip at the tomato plants all the time with no ill effects. The also eat the green tomato off the vine when they can jump high enough.
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Ok now I can't stand it any longer, I'm reading this whole thread and keeping up with the new stuff too, however, someone needs to (maybe in the beginning and once in a while during) explain all of the acronyms ( I always hated acronyms) for dummies like me. I had the problem with UP/ACV kinda figured it out ACV part and when I asked the UP part came to me. It's not working this time what in the blue moon is BOSS, I guess I'm just THICK. I'm definatly going to do this FF thing with my meatys and probably the layers as well. Anything that cut down the smell can't be bad... I cleaned out the tractor/brooder I have in the attached garage the other day and it was a warm day so they were outside in the tractor (and were panting), Short version, the last tub of shavings I forgot to dump and it rained and the tub got water in it, now I have a strong stomache but when I dumped it I almost hurled, I'm telling you now, that was some nasty stuff for day old poop...Yeechk!!

Hi Walt, I'm glad you will be using ff, my flock loves it. Lol BOSS is black oil sunflower seeds. And they go nuts for them. I only lol'd because I had to ask too, and for many others, and now I can explain it. Yay me I've learned something! In fact, on another thread someone asked for a cheat sheet for the acronyms, let me go see if I can find it I'll be right back
@Chocolate Mouse... I bet that suckling pig was sooo good! I've had pig cooked in a pit it the ground a few times and it was so tender and delicious! I bet that suckling pig was ever bit as tender, or more so. But like you said, the cuteness factor would get to me. I really don't believe I could kill one and I really wouldn't want to see it before I ate it. And laid out on a table with its head still on like the ones I have ate from the pit, noooo! lol
Why thank you hogster, I just happen to have a great big bag of "BOSS" for the wild birds, and yes I know they love them, they sit on the porch to watch the wild birds at the feeder kinda like we do but one big difference.... WE don't go screaming off the porch when the cardinals come to eat to see if they dropped any lol..

thanks again
Oh and by the way.... new here just reading up on Fermented Feeds.....  Hi everyone  :frow


Hi Deb, and welcome to the neighborhood. :) Yearsss ago I was at a big neighborhood cookout where they had a pig cooked in the ground, beef cooked somehow and a bunch of other delicious stuff. I was there with two guys, a Muslim and a Hindu. We were sitting on the ground eating, really enjoying the food and the Muslim asked the Hindu what he was eating and the Hindu said "cow" (a little bit ashamed). Then the Hindu asked the Muslim what he was eating and the Muslim said "pig" (not quite as ashamed). LOL I thought, "Ohh me, these guys have been corrupted." lol

It's Buddhists who don't eat meat because of their reincarnation beliefs. They think they might be eating somebody.

We might all be better off if we went by the Old Testament food guidelines, ...maybe?
Well...spent the afternoon in the pouring rain constructing a temporary holding pen for these soup roos.  It looks like a hillbilly rig but it will keep them dry and shaded on one end and out in the sunshine and on some grass in the other end.  It's about 1/3 the size of their usual run so they aren't losing out by much.  Three of them had lice..the older rooster was just eaten UP with them and some parts of his reddened, bare skin was bloody from it all.  Three had scale mites.  One of the roos was a hen...HUGE and heavy, she looks to have some WR in her breeding,whatever that was!  To our credit she had so little feathering and was so very big, we mistook her for a rooster in the dark of the coop.  She's older and not laying, so she too will be soup. 

And, to no surprise, the brattiest one of the bunch to handle and treat was the silkie... :rolleyes:   Had scale mites in those darn ugly feet of his, so his dirty little feathery feet now are coated and slathered in castor oil. 

When I called the lady to tell her I had one of her hens and to tell her about the infestations, she was shocked that she had these parasites and wanted to know what to do for them.  She's had chickens for 5 years in these conditions and has acquired chickens from other flocks just willy nilly, so who knows how long these birds have suffered?  This...right here...this scenario is what I see on this forum over and over and wherever I go and for some reason no one seems to think this is animal abuse or neglect, but you leave a dog outdoors for the winter and they will call the humane society on you so fast it'll make yer head spin. 

Don't mean to get my panties in a wad but these are the same type of people who claim they cannot kill their own chickens because they just have too tender of a heart.  Over and over I hear that same song...I can't kill my babies, but I can sure leave them in a dirty, poopy run and coop that's too small.  I can not ever ~in fact, I won't even try to educate myself on how to do so until it's too late~try to manage their health... but I can sure throw the feed down so they are really, really fat because that equals good care.  I can leave them to be eaten alive by parasites from the outside and inside but kill them? I could NEVER do that? Oh, how do you DO that?  (insert whine here that implies those who kill chickens are some kind of cold blooded murderers)

Sorry...rant over.  Didn't mean to step off the deep end on y'all but sometimes my soul cries out for understanding of this horrible new society who doesn't seem to understand the definition of love.
AGreed Four Thousand percent. Don't think you mentioned the giggle "chicken math" here too but that really gets me as well. Picture the above scenarios and then having more and more dumped in there cause they "love" them. Ugh. I love mine and that's why I thinned my flock upon moving rather than adding more.
No way.  25 years ago, when my DH was in the military.  He was stationed in the Philippenes, they have that often there.  It was baked in the ground, just barely covered in the hot soil.  It sat for days.  There were parts of the town one didn't go to because of the smell from the balut baking in the sun.  Um gag!  He will try just about anything once.  He would not try balut.  And a good thing too, as I would probably have never kissed him again lol!

Peew, I bet that did stank! I read that they are now having a yearly balut eating contest in New York, so you don't want to go? LOL I bet if it was chopped up in a soup where you couldn't tell what it was and if the texture wasn't too bad, I bet it would be good, well fairly good.
I saw there was some restaurant now serving it, I think in NYC. I wonder what the animal rights people might do with that?

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