Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Looks good BF! Poor birds probably think they are at the Hilton! I love zip ties.....Silkie going to be stir fry? (with rice?)
Bath the dog in dawn, salt the entire house. Bath the dog again in morning and vacuum up salt in 24 hours. Salt dries up the flea. This may not knock all of them out but it sure will put a giant dent in them.
Wow......knew about the dawn....never heard about the salt.....thanks!
Nice setup tho I never thought I would see you with a silkie.......even temporarily lol

I know...the shame of it all! But she guilted me into taking him and told me she wouldn't charge me...but she did charge me for his raggedy little carcass. I felt sorry for him, so I figured I'd pay the dollar and put him in a better place. Then the best place...stew pot.
Looks good BF! Poor birds probably think they are at the Hilton! I love zip ties.....Silkie going to be stir fry? (with rice?)
I figure I'll just breast him and thigh him and give the rest to the dog. Won't even have to skin him all the way or even gut him. He's not big enough to make any contribution to a soup stock.

Wow......knew about the dawn....never heard about the salt.....thanks!

Or you can use Borax..it's more fine than salt and really gets down into the fibers well. It will desiccate them very well also.
@Bee... I think the poor silkie ought to get a stay of execution. It would make the ideal farm mascot. LOL

~Team Silkie~
Thanks for the tips on the salt and borax. So far they are not in my house. Just trying to keep it that way. I wonder, could I spread borax &/or salt around the chicken coop? Would it hurt them?

@Bee, I agree with Tree Willow. He is a handsome silkie! Would make a great Mascot!!
@Bee... I think the poor silkie ought to get a stay of execution. It would make the ideal farm mascot. LOL

~Team Silkie~

I just knew if I posted that pic y'all would be lobbying for my keeping that furry little creep!
What suckers for ugly you girls are!

Thanks for the tips on the salt and borax. So far they are not in my house. Just trying to keep it that way. I wonder, could I spread borax &/or salt around the chicken coop? Would it hurt them?

@Bee, I agree with Tree Willow. He is a handsome silkie! Would make a great Mascot!!

You won't want to place salt in your soils, nor the Borax. You can spread sweet lime all over your yard and it will really help, and it will help keep them gone.
They are plotting against you! LOL One morning last week I had a little bird (not chicken) trying to get in my bedroom window. He couldn't get in that window so went around the corner and tried his best to get in the other window. Your chickens are liable to start doing that! Beware! lol

TW, if there's a way for them to find their way in though the patio door, they will ! They eye me up when I'm eating lunch, just standing there and every once in awhile they peck at the window and stare some more... Almost go into zombie mode until I open the door and let the dog out the they scatter like bugs under a rotten log ! They're plotting against me for sure .. Trying to figure out how they can get that bucket of FF all to themselves !
That silkie looks downright gorgeous. :3 You should absolutely keep him! He'd probably turn into a very sweet house chicken for you! (Or he may surprise you by keeping up with your heritage flock!)
LOL Go Team Silkie!


I hate feetie tufts and thoroughly despise head-dresses that interfere with vision. But I know someone that as a single person swears by keeping a small Silkie flock for meat. Apparently, if they are bred to their standard, they are supposed to be a meat bird. OK. Worth a thought. :)

That dollar bought you a heap o trouble, Bee K!
LOL Go Team Silkie!


I hate feetie tufts and thoroughly despise head-dresses that interfere with vision. But I know someone that as a single person swears by keeping a small Silkie flock for meat. Apparently, if they are bred to their standard, they are supposed to be a meat bird. OK. Worth a thought. :)

That dollar bought you a heap o trouble, Bee K!
That little fluff ball breed, right??? Just making sure because I always thought of silkies as fluff balls and would never want to have to pluck them. Also, all the ones I have ever seen were small to say the least. I just don't see meat birds as a trait, now broodies is another matter, but not meat.

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