Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I believe chicken is chicken, and black chicken has extra melanin. I never buy into the super food concepts it is a ploy to overly commercialize something they want to sell, and ALWAYS reminds me of the children's story of The Emporer and His New Clothes.
Thank you Kassaundra

Bee I couldn't even freeze the turkey even if I wanted, so it was a natural "no brainer" choice to give it away. Oh yeah be careful with that "skinny" stuff.... It was said of me at a bachelor party many moons ago " And Walt here is the only guy I know of that could freeze to death in the shade of a clothesline"..... How apropos!

I believe chicken is chicken, and black chicken has extra melanin. I never buy into the super food concepts it is a ploy to overly commercialize something they want to sell, and ALWAYS reminds me of the children's story of The Emporer and His New Clothes.

Exactly!!! I couldn't put it better myself and I often feel like that in today's world...I'm the kid who's pointing at the king and saying, "But...he's nekked!"
In China it caries great religious significance as well as believed to help recoup blood lost from our monthly friend, post surgery, and during illness. They are also only used in soups and stews that require little meat. In Singapore, it is for pre and post natal diets. The only thing proven is they have twice the antioxidant carnosine than regular birds, and the health benefits come from free ranging instead of battery cages. In my search there have been black chicken products everywhere but not much real information. Scientist in the US are researching them, when they finally figure it out I am sure the "fad" will die like everything else. China will however still use it because it is deep in their culture.
Thank you Kassaundra

Bee I couldn't even freeze the turkey even if I wanted, so it was a natural "no brainer" choice to give it away. Oh yeah be careful with that "skinny" stuff.... It was said of me at a bachelor party many moons ago " And Walt here is the only guy I know of that could freeze to death in the shade of a clothesline"..... How apropos!


Poor fella. Hey, I have a super nutritive chicken out here you could have....fatten ya right up.
Kassaundra, I just clicked on we are nekkid and we know it. at first I thought because of the different colors of the birds that they were moulting, thay's a riot..... I have a turkin and she is the best layer I have, eats very little, and is the sweetest of the bunch. If I come out and she sees me from across the yard she comes running and has to "talk" to me and follow me around like a puppy. I want to get some more, but I only found one hatchery that has them and not all the time.
Oh I see I need a "fat woman" and one of your "super chickens"

BTW can I assume by your "handle" that you have or still have "kept bees"?

Well...we did when I was young and I did briefly awhile back. That handle was created when I got on my very first internet forum to research honey bees and I had, in the past, made homemade lip balms with honey in the base and they were sold under the label "Beekissed". So, naturally, when I had to think of a bee related name on a beek forum, I threw that one down. Then I found a chicken forum and I'm too lazy to remember multiple screen names, so I just kept the moniker. I did start a beekeeping thread here that still sees traffic quite a bit, but my bees are long gone. I was doing top bar hive and going all natural and just happened to start out in one of the worst droughts our area has ever seen....my bees took a bunk after eating all the honey they had stored. Swarmed before I could do anything about it.

Then I never had the time to get back to it, but it's still in my heart to have bees. They are the perfect livestock...they make their own feed, they clean out their own house, they take up minimal space and they reproduce their own kind with very little intervention~and the food they produce never spoils. You really can't get any better than that.

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