Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

The well broke, and while I was waiting for the well guy to get the parts I had to turn my whole flock out in the yard so they could access water I was hauling in on my truck.... didnt work.

I have to pass the temptation. In the spring I hope to get the coop moved 75 feet east to where the water lines will be plumbed instead of having to rely on hundreds of feet of hose. At that time I will start up with Guinea Fowl again.... My horse Katee Wuvvs her Guineas..... she stands by their enclosure all day listening to them. Then I want Sumatras.... Black skinned birds by the way.... LOL. And then I will collect a few here and there because they need homes or are just too danged cute....

When I am done the coop will be more of a poultry house. Seven partitions and a work feed area. About 24 x 24 feet. And Yes I am planning on a Bachelor partition.

So sorry to hear of your loss! That would be devastating! You are one dedicated chicken lady! My son is joining the Marines in the spring, so there will be more trips down your direction in our future! We will have to keep in touch!

Yes.... you know that whole door closing another opens deal. I cant obsess about the past only learn from it, and move on.

Oorah.... to your son. San Diego is a big military town.... Navy, Marines, Coast Gaurd, even some Airforce. Is He doing boot camp at Camp Pendledton? Right now I am sitting under the flight path for Miramar.... When the Marines took it over from the Navy we started getting to see some of the BIG aircraft... Harriers, C130's. and the ever present Heliocopters of all sizes. When a C130's go over it rattles the dishes.... LOL

In a past life I worked in Aerospace as a Draftsman and eventually a Tool Designer.... for the big stuff like the C17 and eventually for tools for jet engine repair. So I love those big flyin things.... LOL.

[COLOR=0000CD]I have a silkie roo and two hens. They all can range in our backyard, there is no problem keeping them nice and clean as the yard has some kind of ground cover plant that keeps them out of the mud. Of course the deep litter in the coop really helps all the flock to stay clean and dry. The two silkie hens are the best brood hens I have ever seen. Even when they have a hatch they will readily adopt the meat chicks I get in town that I raise to give to my less fortunate neighbors (some folks donate rice and beans but a good meat chicken is a special treat, all of our chickens get FF). Mrs. P.J. even tried to mother the 36 chicks that I got from the ag center (I also had a heat lamp in the brooder for those who couldn't get under her). We will always have silkies around our place. . . . . . .[/COLOR]:old [COLOR=0000CD]Yes, there were 36 chicks that Mrs. P.J. was trying to cover. There were so many that one would push under her which pushed another out. Mrs. P.J. had been setting on eggs when I placed the chicks in the brooder area, I did not think she would abandon her eggs but then these were already hatched and needed a mama!!!! [/COLOR]:jumpy [COLOR=0000CD]So she thought.[/COLOR] :cd
Hey there Art. WHERE on earth (or in Costa Rica) have you been? I have missed you around here! :) I have heard of several keeping silkies for raising their chicks. I don't think that's a bad idea if a person is going to raise many chicks at all. Good to see you back!
A friend came over and wanted to see my chickens yesterday evening. She doesn't have chickens but loves them. She gasped at my crew and said they look like they have been sprayed with high gloss!!! I am proud of my flock and how they look but fermented feed has really stepped them up. They are beautiful and in great health AND I save a little on feed!!!
I haven't researched it and I probably won't, however it kinda sounds like when people say " I won't eat brown eggs" or "brown eggs have more nourishment" etc etc ad infinitum. Most things like that don't prove out although the fad or thought continues IMO. I could be wrong, it has happened before lol.

I read something about it being some traditional tale that they are somehow better than other chicken. I suppose something causes all the blackness to them but I don't see it being that different than regular chicken. But no doubt if there was a market for them I would consider growing them for the oriental restaurants or individuals - if it paid well.
The difference being, in America they could never bear to kill their little silkie-kins, but in China they will actually kill them and eat them.  That's one reason it will not catch on here in a big way...evidenced even by this thread...on the meat bird section.....where several people plead for the life of Mr. Silkie Pants but didn't mention once to stay execution on the big, ugly roosters in the pen.  :D

We Americans are mush pots.  China knows what it's like to be hungry and they are resourceful in their nutrition sources....dogs, bugs, etc. 

Hey, I'm a sucker for the underdog. :) You know, some of the pictures I saw of those things looked pretty meaty... in a small package. I am anxious to see what's under that there fur and want to hear results of the taste test. LOL That's just freaky - black skin, meat AND bones!
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There are several breeds of Chickens that have black skin and bones. The Ayam Cemani, Sumatra, come to mind. They are called Melanistic. The Ayam Cemani is prized as much as the Silkie they are even darker. I would love to get my hands on one and am searching out resources for the future.

Here is a link to a breeder.... dont choke on the price they specialize in importing stock from other countries. There are Ayam breeders right here on BYC. I am just sharing this for the pictures.

Ayam Cemani

Sumatras are also melanistic but not to the degree Ayam's are. According to the SOP they should have black to plum colored combs. When in the shade they do tend to get redder.... out in the sun.... black.


So Back to Silkies. Do some market research in your area. Here in San Diego I dont think there would be ANY problem marketing Black skinned boned birds. If there is an Asian market in your area go there and browse.... Asian markets are very interesting places.... But it would be a good place to price out what a dressed out bird would fetch.

There are several breeds of Chickens that have black skin and bones. The Ayam Cemani, Sumatra, come to mind. They are called Melanistic. The Ayam Cemani is prized as much as the Silkie they are even darker. I would love to get my hands on one and am searching out resources for the future.

Here is a link to a breeder.... dont choke on the price they specialize in importing stock from other countries. There are Ayam breeders right here on BYC. I am just sharing this for the pictures.

Ayam Cemani

Sumatras are also melanistic but not to the degree Ayam's are. According to the SOP they should have black to plum colored combs. When in the shade they do tend to get redder.... out in the sun.... black.


So Back to Silkies. Do some market research in your area. Here in San Diego I dont think there would be ANY problem marketing Black skinned boned birds. If there is an Asian market in your area go there and browse.... Asian markets are very interesting places.... But it would be a good place to price out what a dressed out bird would fetch.

I think I will be staying with my blue sumatra. I know it has to cost to import, but that much? They are beautiful though.
@Bee... how did you make your homemade lip balms? What all did they have in them?

They weren't truly all homemade as I ordered a base and just added some of my own ingredients, but they were all natural ingredients in the base, as well as those I added, and made in the kitchen, so I guess that qualifies as "home" made.
We made soaps, sugar and salt scrubs, bath salts and such and it was a fun time for me and my sisters. The lip balms had shea butter, cocoa butter, Vit. E oil, ect., the usual kind of balms used to promote skin softness. I'd add honey, vanilla, etc. so they tasted good if you accidentally licked your lips.

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