Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Oooops! Why yes, Storey's Guide page 103...,
Cocks (maintenance) - 9% protein
Breeders - 18-20% protein

Paaleez write that book! LOL

I've heard it also makes an excellent door stop.
Yes.  It often works that way.  Thank you for the feedback on that, as I have been praying as per request. 

Bee thank you for praying for them, and also pray for those in the earthquake. They are still digging out bodies. Also please pray that my friend can buy a projector to use for ministry this month. They are busy busy and work and live on very little money.
Possibly. Probably says they can't have the calcium found in layer foods either, doesn't it? Oh, the money wasted on that book in this country is incalculable....

Here's a few pics of Aoxa's that shows the fat storage of female vs. male CX chickens~all the same age and fed the same feeds~ and it will give you an idea how hormones play a part in how the different sexes~even us~use their nutrition:

Male gut piles:

Female gut piles:

Cockerel carcasses...note how very lean:

Pullet carcasses...neatly trimmed in fat:

What is that big organ with the white on it and is it supposed to be hard? I culled a couple of roos that were causing problems and everything looked great with very little fat but I was surprised at how hard that seemed compared to everything else.
Bee thank you for praying for them, and also pray for those in the earthquake. They are still digging out bodies. Also please pray that my friend can buy a projector to use for ministry this month. They are busy busy and work and live on very little money.

If they are supposed to have that projector, they will GET that projector, that I know. God provides for those who love Him and work to further His Kingdom. I will pray for that as well and also that the people who do not believe are led to belief through the tragedy of this earthquake, sometimes it takes going through something hard for folks to realize they need the Father.
Yep, those chubby chicks remind me of myself... but I am LOTS fatter. And a lot of men can eat and eat and stay lean. Not fair!
If they are supposed to have that projector, they will GET that projector, that I know.  God provides for those who love Him and work to further His Kingdom.  I will pray for that as well and also that the people who do not believe are led to belief through the tragedy of this earthquake, sometimes it takes going through something hard for folks to realize they need the Father. 

You are so right! You have got to meet these folks and hear from their own mouths the miracles they have seen in their lives! Amazing! Yes I HOPE that earthquake will bring many to the truth.
What is that big organ with the white on it and is it supposed to be hard? I culled a couple of roos that were causing problems and everything looked great with very little fat but I was surprised at how hard that seemed compared to everything else.

That is the gizzard...a very compact, strong muscle that grinds their food. If you cut that open you will see little rocks, maybe even pieces of glass, etc. that helps them grind their food. It has a lining that sheds off when it gets worn out and sometimes you will find it in their poop. The lining has ridges on it that also aid in moving and grinding the food. Here's a pic of the peeling of the lining...

That is the gizzard...a very compact, strong muscle that grinds their food. If you cut that open you will see little rocks, maybe even pieces of glass, etc. that helps them grind their food. It has a lining that sheds off when it gets worn out and sometimes you will find it in their poop. The lining has ridges on it that also aid in moving and grinding the food. Here's a pic of the peeling of the lining...

Cool, thank you. This means that I am doing things right with my regular flock. They were about 9 months at processing.

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