Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

This is off topic, but I was wondering if any of you have seen a chicken with a mouse? I have always read that they will kill small mice. The reason I ask is that I noticed one of my Black Copper Marans shaking something and dropping it, then picking it up and shaking it, and dropping it. Over and over. She was near the area where I feed, and by the time I got to her I saw she had something very dark in color......then I saw the long tail.....she was eating a mouse. I don't know if she killed it herself or if she found one that one of the cats killed and left lying on the ground. First time I have seen that.
When the field mice moved into the coop I put up a live trap for them. One morning there were 4 mice the trap, I took the trap outside were the hens were, shook the trap to stun them then dumped them out to the waiting hens, gone in a few seconds, those hens had them and gone. It wasn't the first time I gave them mice but the first time with so many, it was funny.

Oh, now that the cats have figured out about the mice they patrol the coop and the area all around, no more mice for the hens!
My 8 broilers are about 1.5 weeks old now. They had their first day in the sun yesterday. I have a 4x4' garden bed that I'm about to prep from fall veggies, and they seemed to love it. The tiniest of lip on the bed kept most of them contained all day. A couple jumped out and would alert with me with his/her peeps. I spent the day outside working on their enclosure. All done and ready for occupancy!

They are ready for outside during the day (high 80s) and in the garage at night. These suckers stink. Well, I think all chicks start stinking in the brooder after the 1st week, no matter how clean I keep it, but since they poop more, they stink more, even on the fermented feed. In another week, I can't imagine them being inside, even the garage. Wish I had a barn, even a shed with outlets, because a no livestock in the house rule seems practical right now.
Okay I'm not happy at all with somebody! Somebody killed one of the new chicks and ate its head off! I have a feeling I know which pullet did it too, well one of two - can't really tell them apart. I took the mama and remaining three chicks out and put them in a cage to their selves. I was hoping they would act "chicken civilized" and let chicks grow up amongst them! Any advise beyond eating the murdering culprit? If I only knew for sure who did it...

This is the time of year for rats...everyone having problems with rats coming in the house, etc. A rat can and will kill and eat a chick's head, from all accounts. JustOneBite is the miracle cure for all things rodent...just put it in a place where the rats can get to it and no other animals can.

Hi Bee... Wasn't able to get any real good pics of the girls because they just won't sit still... But here are a few of the ones I did take. Let me know if you think you see a rooster amongst the crowd....

They look like hens to me...and very pretty birds, at that.

So sorry TW but are you sure it wasn't some other kind of critter that did that. I have read about something just eating the heads off and leaving the rest. Might want to search on here for predators and make sure. I saw one the other night and it had all the predators on there and you could click on each one and see how they do.

Yep...a chicken may kill a chick, though I've never seen it in my life, and they may just try to eat it if there was a bloody, eviscerating mess hanging out of it...but I can't see a chicken just eating the head of a chick. Need some teeth for that.

Wish I lived close to Bee, I bet she's got some extra chicken diapers. HAHAHA!

Ha. Ha. Ha. Y'all having fun with that whole silkie episode, ain't ya?

hee heee yeah I bet Bee keeps those and she might even make em for her chickies.
I think having that little silkie pants got her started with this.

Ahem! Et tu, Rose?
While the cat is away, the mice they do play.....I'm gonna stitch you girls each a silk camo set of chicken britches for Christmas! Compliments of Mr. Silkie Panties....

Yeah I will keep that in mind.

Yep I think little puffy drawers got to her. hehehe

Hey! I'm tryin' to rock BUD to sleep here and all that chatter is waking him up!
And if he wakes up again, I'll have to take him for another ride in the truck to get him back to sleep. ALSO...he's a little sensitive about his silk undies and every time I read "silkie pants" on here, he gets flustered and embarrassed over his silkie panties. Have some blinkin' sensitivity, you girls!!
Xnay on the ilkiesay antiespay....comprende?
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Hey! I'm tryin' to rock BUD to sleep here and all that chatter is waking him up!
And if he wakes up again, I'll have to take him for another ride in the truck to get him back to sleep. ALSO...he's a little sensitive about his silk undies and every time I read "silkie pants" on here, he gets flustered and embarrassed over his silkie panties. Have some blinkin' sensitivity, you girls!!
Xnay on the ilkiesay antiespay....que pasa?

This is the time of year for rats...everyone having problems with rats coming in the house, etc.  A rat can and will kill and eat a chick's head, from all accounts.  JustOneBite is the miracle cure for all things rodent...just put it in a place where the rats can get to it and no other animals can. 
Hmmm...didn't think of a dang rat! That is possible. But you know, the dead chick was still fresh (seemed freshly killed) up in the morning when I found it. But just in case I will see about that! Do rats climb very well???

Yep...a chicken may kill a chick, though I've never seen it in my life, and they may just try to eat it if there was a bloody, eviscerating mess hanging out of it...but I can't see a chicken just eating the head of a chick.  Need some teeth for that. 
It was mostly eat up around its head (gone!) and then maybe pecked at a little bit. The chickens had walked on it and had it pretty much smashed. When I went in the coop one of the pullets picked it up like, "Look at this!"

Ha.                                Ha.                                              Ha.      Y'all having fun with that whole silkie episode, ain't ya?  :smack      :lol:
You will never live it down, hear me??? Nevaaa!!! LOL

Ahem!  Et tu, Rose?  :rant   While the cat is away, the mice they do play.....I'm gonna stitch you girls each a silk camo set of chicken britches for Christmas!  Compliments of Mr. Silkie Panties.... 
HAHA I want pink and lime green!

Hey!  I'm tryin' to rock BUD to sleep here and all that chatter is waking him up!  :rant   And if he wakes up again, I'll have to take him for another ride in the truck to get him back to sleep.   ALSO...he's a little sensitive about his silk undies and every time I read "silkie pants" on here, he gets flustered and embarrassed over his silkie panties.  Have some blinkin' sensitivity, you girls!!  :rant   Xnay on the ilkiesay antiespay....que pasa? 

HAHAHAHA Rose was right! LOL

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