Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Hey you guys, don't go without me!!!

Willow, you need to get some Australorps! I have 3 black beauties and they are the best!!

Lisa :)

I'm hoping we all go together on the Big Trip.
Got my ticket in my pocket, no bags packed...travelin' light on that one. Light as a feather. Hoping to leave soon and "thanks for all the fish!"...er...chickens.
Depends on your ambient temps, type of water used, grains used, method used (adding a jump start or not), etc. It varies by hours to days, depending on these variables. I always tell folks it will take as long as it takes.
Sort of like when folks ask when their chickens will lay...the variables are enough that I usually tell them they will know when they are laying by when they find eggs in the nests.
Yeah and who'd a thunk it?

Ok here's what I would do (and did). Best way to learn anything is (here I go again Bee) just jump right in and do it, sure you will mess up like the mini volcanoes on here and in my pail, that's how you learn. Next get your 30 gallon bucket or what ever, dump in whatever you wish to ferment, feed pellets, etc. about 1/3 to 1/2 full dump in a bunch of "glunks" of ACV (see old thread for measurement value of glunk) and dump in water til it is wet, stir stir, let set 1/2 hr and check bet it's dry again! Add water til it's wetted down again, stir, let er set. Next day it'll smell like wet feed and ACV, that's good. stir it up.... too wet... add feed, too dry....add water, stir. Now if you are really lucky it won't blow over the rim and onto the floor, however if it does leave the door open the chickens will take care of it.....Now a day or 2 or 3 (temps etc) it probably won't smell a whole lot different (unless you have fish meal or the likes). Ok serve it up, next day stir wet dry add whichever, and this time when you feed you might want to watch your fingers especially if you are feeding meatys. I think everyone will pretty much agree with this little running summation....Good luck, don't worry be happy your chickens will, and it won't kill them even if it ain't done yet, it'll get there......

Oops kassaundra didn't see your post, Apparently I missed a whole dang page mebbe more. You guys was busy again.
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Hey you guys, don't go without me!!!

Willow, you need to get some Australorps!  I have 3 black beauties and they are the best!!

Lisa :)

Hey there Lisa. :) I've got four Aussies (and one mix) but I suppose they are hatchery stock. I don't even know because a friend gave me the eggs and I hatched them out. LOL But I do love them! Maybe one of these days I will get some heritage stock Aussies, who knows?

I guess where ever we go we can meet back here! LOL
I'm hoping we all go together on the Big Trip.  :D   Got my ticket in my pocket, no bags packed...travelin' light on that one.  Light as a feather.  Hoping to leave soon and "thanks for all the fish!"...er...chickens. 

For sure THAT trip will solve so many problems - or things we just think are problems that really don't amount to a hill of beans. Oh yes, the final victory! It is sounding pretty dang good these days.

I hope we're all allowed to be chicken herders when we get there!
For sure THAT trip will solve so many problems - or things we just think are problems that really don't amount to a hill of beans. Oh yes, the final victory! It is sounding pretty dang good these days.

I hope we're all allowed to be chicken herders when we get there!
With no mean roosters!!

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