Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Thanks, but I can't see over 9 - 10 dollars for a dozen lids, especially when a lot of our stuff gets sold at the Eagles bazaar and we'd never see those lids again.
With the metal lids and jars, we add $1 to the price and tell them there's a .50 deposit they will get back if they return the jars.
We've never gotten more than a few back, so we'd lose almost $2 in lid, ring and jar.
As far as it goes, we have never had a Ball or Kerr lid fail.
We have tried the Mayonnaise jar type lids, but they, also, aren't cost-effective.
Yeah, if you're selling them it doesn't make sense. I was just thinking if you're having any trouble with current metal lids because of high acidity, the Tattlers would do you good. Their value comes by being able to reuse them as well.

No offense, but if you told me the deposit was only $.50, I'd keep the jars too. That's cheaper than I can buy them anywhere else. You'd have to put about $2 or more deposit on them to get me to return them. But that's just me.
Looks like they are $24.76 for 3 dozen, so $8.25 a dozen or $0.68777777 each. What am I missing? Thinking about getting into canning, considering I bought a high pressure caner and everything, LOL!


Still too much, when Ball lids are less than $2 a dozen. We have the Blue Pot canner and the pressure cooker with the gauge.
Don't forget to get a Ball Blue Book, it's a canning Bible.
Quote: Forgot to mention that they have excellent sales every 3-6 months. Somewhere between 45% and 60% if I remember correctly. Best deal is on 12dz wide+12 doz regular. Pretty big chunk all at once, but that's likely all the lids you'll ever need unless you're a canning machine.

We're also careful when canning for gifts as well. We keep metal lids just for that.

Yeah, if you're selling them it doesn't make sense. I was just thinking if you're having any trouble with current metal lids because of high acidity, the Tattlers would do you good. Their value comes by being able to reuse them as well.

No offense, but if you told me the deposit was only $.50, I'd keep the jars too. That's cheaper than I can buy them anywhere else. You'd have to put about $2 or more deposit on them to get me to return them. But that's just me.

We don't want them to bring the jars back. We charge $1 for each one and we get a case of 12 at the market for $6.99, on sale. LOL Get my drift?

Oh yeah, we don't tell them we added a dollar, we just tell them there's a $.50 deposit if they return them. ;o)
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Quote: LOL, now I get ya. I thought you were wanting the jars back. $6.99 for quarts or pints? Best I can find is $12.99 for quarts and $10.99 for pints. Would love to find a good garage sale with canning jars but it's pretty rare.

Do you have/required to have a food license to sell canned/processed goods?
I asked in another thread and I'll ask here too. Do you put your birds in a bag or whatever you use for freezing, first, or do you let them "rest" in the fridge nekkid before bagging and freezing? I'm in the process of processing lol. I'm having a bit of trouble with swarms of ladybugs, they get between my glasses and what I'm looking at and down my shirt lol they tickle. Almost mistook my finger for something I wanted to cut off....


Dang red wasps are swarming here! I have had a couple fights with them in the past couple days. They are everywhere, trying to get in the house! The other day I had to kill 15-20 just so my mom could get out the door without getting stung. Today... oh my gosh - awful!!! I had forgot how bad they hurt until one day this summer when I put my hand on one. Felt like my finger was going to melt and drip off! LOL I have ladybugs come in for the winter. One year I collected them in a Mason jar then turned them loose come spring. I'm weird like that. lol
No one in my house gets the flu shot, but I don't have anyone with a compromised immune system.  For us right now, I think we can hold things off by eating good healthy foods!  I am also don't have issues with germs (try to expose myself to as many as possible:lau ), I think it will take a lot to take me down.  I even eat things past expiration/safe date (if it smells okay ONLY), so far so good.

However, if I had a person with a compromised immune system in my household, I would re-think some of that.  Everyone needs to do what is best in their own situation.

Some of my family (three of them) has some kind of bug right now - vomiting. One of them was here the other day then went home and about 3 hours later started vomiting. I hope they took that bug with them!
Hey TW.......my Mom used to always use baking soda with enough white vinegar to make paste....let it sit on the scummy parts and then secondary cleaned with water/vinegar in bottle (spray). Hope this helps

I think I have used that before. Thanks for reminding me. :)
If possible, I highly recommend just upgrading the size of your bucket. A 30-55 gal plastic drum, or a simple 35gal rubbermaid plastic trash can will work. The rubbermaids aren't that much, $15-$20 ea.

I wish I would've upgraded long ago. ;)


I've thought about that but I'd have to find something to stir and dip with... without getting it in my armpits. hahahaha Also, do the regular rubbermaid type totes work or will they melt down like the wicked witch on the Wizard of Oz. :)

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