Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I've done all three.  I put my young roo's in a ziplock bag since they get pulled out first.  My  vacuum sealer has a little reservoir for the liquid that gets sucked out, so that helps.  I have also used Cornerstone's shrink bag.  I think the birds stay the freshest in the vacuum sealer bags IF you get a good seal AND a good vacuum  which is hard to do.  The shrink bags are supposed to be as thick as the freezer bags, but I don't know.  Then you can make a poor man's vacuum sealer by using a straw to aspirate the air out of the zip lock freezer bag.....just don't suck up the juice.....lol!

Any idea what brand vacuum sealer is the best?
Get  your yolks out and mash/mix them as usual, then get a quart zip loc bag, put all of the filling down into the bottom of the bag, get as much of the air out as possible, close it, cut cut a small piece off of the corner, and then use it like a pastry bag.  When you are done.....just throw the bag away.

That sounds like a great idea. I even have a Tupperware thingy to do the yolks with. It seems to be my whites that tear up so bad.
Buckeye roo (about 22 weeks):


Trying to get a pic of an Ancona pullet lol:
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Buckeye roo (about 22 weeks):


Trying to get a pic of an Ancona pullet lol:

Pics too dark and that one not supposed to be sideways! I guess you could turn your computer monitors up sideways. LOL That roo is so pretty. His feathers always look wet or like they have oil on them they are so shiny!
Any idea what brand vacuum sealer is the best?
I really don't know. I bought mine several several years ago. I found it on sale at Cabelas and it was their corporate brand, so I don't know who actually manufactured it. You can buy the one with the little reservoir to keep liquid from being drawn into it, but it does cost more.
Any idea what brand vacuum sealer is the best?


Hard to say since we've only tried one brand, but we have a foodsaver and my parents have one. We have no complaints other than it gets too hot and really slows the process down when you have a lot to do.

Ours also has the drip tray for when juices get sucked up so there's not a mess. But, when the seal area gets wet, you have to hit the seal button 3-4 times in a row so that you hopefully get a good seal. I really don't like it when the seal area gets wet because it diminishes the quality of the seal, if it seal at all.

Just my .02.

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