Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Maybe part of his reasoning was because the dog may flinch but with a just a local she shouldn't have even felt it.

I have heard people ask if chickens feel pain and others declare outright that they don't. I've never believed it and have always said so. But yesterday while I was stitching up this poor hen I was listening to her breathing. No anesthetic at all. Pulling off the scabs that had formed over a dirty wound and pulling out the feathers that had been sealed inside the other wound; then once she was all clean, putting that needle through her skin... all of these affected her breathing. I know it was more than she could feel it. I know it hurt her but I believe their pain tolerance is so much higher than ours that they just don't cry out.

If I lived in a place like that I'd still do my own doctoring. I just wouldn't tell anybody. If a problem developed that I couldn't reverse, I'd likely end the poor creature's life. I do the best I can. I don't run to the vet when I have a problem. Nor do I run to the doctor every time I sneeze.
Thank you about the drawing.... it was done very fast.

My dad had only a highschool diploma.... Son of a sharecropper so he KNEW work. He taught machine shop in the Army became a tool maker after then a tool designer taught himself electronics, physics, and Mathematics... enough to take the next step in jobs. Eventually he advised PHDs on the nuts and bolts ends of thier experiments/product development. He would have been totally at home living in a horse trailer. But he hated farming.... LOL, Through his life stories and watching him work on experiments I grew to love science and Dream about stepping back just a little and having my own little farm.... Just enough for me. Now i am almost too old.


NEVER too old-- the exercise, the interest, the sories with friends, the GOOD food-- will keep you young and healthy well into old age!!
Quote: Yes insane-- so many law have been passed here to " protect" the animals IMHO it is to give vet business.

Quote: Glad she learned!!
Bcmarinac I have a blue heeler. She is the smartest, gentlest dog I have ever had. She stay with me, follows commands & is so good I don't tie her when we camp. She stays on site on command.

Not a mean bone in her body.......tho she is very protective of me. But not in a bite someone kind of way unless it's her brother then she pushes him away.
No need!  I do the same thing and it's pretty much because we've become jaded from reading posts on forums.  It's an overload of irrational, impractical and illogical statements and so when we see another we just assume that is someone out there who is an otherwise functioning adult but are more of the same that we have become used to. 

Thanks, Bee.
I'm going to have to have a red or blue heeler. I believe I may get one this spring. I wish I had that invisible fence installed on about 20 acres. I wish they would make it without the wire, with just some kind of transmitters or emitters (whatever you might call them) that you could install on a post around an area.

Deb, this might be a job for you! lol
Sad news...

Russell Johnson - The Professor on Gilligan's Island died, he was 89.

Dave Madden - Mr. Kincaid on the Partridge Family died, he was 82 I believe.
I'm going to have to have a red or blue heeler. I believe I may get one this spring. I wish I had that invisible fence installed on about 20 acres. I wish they would make it without the wire, with just some kind of transmitters or emitters (whatever you might call them) that you could install on a post around an area.

Deb, this might be a job for you! lol
I personally dont care for the invisible fences. They only keep the dog in.... but other dogs can pass at will and cause trouble. I know others have them with success .... its just my opinion..

I have enough of a yard to keep a dog safe to do their business. My dogs are velcro dogs outside of the yard.... Um er was a vecro dog... she passed away this summer. I miss her terribly.

My Aussie likes to wander about 20+acres. He's pretty good about staying on my place but I'd like to be sure. I hope to come up with a guard dog that will keep stray dogs ran off. The best I have had for that has been Dobermans. They don't allow dog visitors. lol I wish they had more hair.

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