Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I'm glad to hear you are doing better! My litter is getting deep under the roosts too and tomorrow I'm going to do some rearranging of the litter a little to put the wet stuff where it can dry and dry stuff where it can do the most good, without disturbing the lower layers too much. We are getting some temps in the low teens next week and I want some dry litter in the coop by then.

My new rooster acts like he has died and gone to Heaven...he gets his own flock of girls and they just groom him and follow him around like he is a king and they are the harem. He is learning to forage more and has such a regal, stately way of walking and standing that he really does look like royalty. He hasn't crowed yet and I think he has a lot of growing to do before he is out of this cockerel stage but he's a nice guy. He's a quick learner and I like that in a bird.

The next nice day I get I'm going to fashion them a nice dusting pit for the coop.
Quote: Dogs are expensive-- well the vets are the expensive part here. Have one office promoting a dog have twice a year well visits. To put a cat down I must pay for an office visit AND the euthanasia. DOgs are not allowed to roam freely. Farm dogs can run the farm but arenot to cause trouble to a neighbor and many neighbors are now non-farming types, the result of urban sprawl. Families are so busy who has time for a dog. ONce had a teacher ask if we really had 4 dogs--like she didn't beleive my sons answer. lol

I'm looking for another dog-- I'm passing on the rotties for now but LOVE that dog and want something just like them. I have to have farm insurance to have rotties-- had to change insurance when I bought my show dog. ( shakes head). I don't do pitts-- nice to hear positive stories. THe only girl I ever met watched me and made me very uncomfortable.

Looking at a lab or more likely a curly coat retreiver. I talked to one breeder that had both to get a good comparison. Much like a rottie, needs lots of socialization. After having several rotties a CCR should be cake.

Quote: NO strays here-- there was a rottie from a few doors down that would visit, as much as a rottie "visits". He was not the affectionate type.

Had a friend with big cats-- the 100-300type in FL. Owners were given 1 warning. THe nest time the dog disappeared. I always felt bad for the dogs having incapable owners. I put a lot of training into my dogs-- come when called. All the basics in place by 9 months.

I met a fellow that breeds great danes. He has one as a service dog after years of training blood hounds for police work. An interesting man. People are facinated by his girl- - " how long will she lay there?" as she was tired of our conversation and had laid down on the floor waiting for him. I smiled knowing the answer-- he breeds them to be smaller than the standard. He suggested a dane-- just too big.
I would love to have a Kengal or Kengal cross. Livestock guardian dogs though are a challenge to keep in training. Its best to have your land fenced so they cant get out.... BUT they are good for two footed predators as well as the usual.

I am two miles from the Mexican border. The fence is also a good reminder for the Two legged varieties. And Hot wire is a good reinforcement for them too.

More chicks loving the FF....
we process our 8/9 week olds Monday that were raised from day one on FF and free ranged from 2 weeks, can't wait for a chicken dinner we grew
Look at the stink eye this Runts got for a bully sibling lol
LOVE this pic! lol
I'm glad to hear you are doing better! My litter is getting deep under the roosts too and tomorrow I'm going to do some rearranging of the litter a little to put the wet stuff where it can dry and dry stuff where it can do the most good, without disturbing the lower layers too much. We are getting some temps in the low teens next week and I want some dry litter in the coop by then.

My new rooster acts like he has died and gone to Heaven...he gets his own flock of girls and they just groom him and follow him around like he is a king and they are the harem. He is learning to forage more and has such a regal, stately way of walking and standing that he really does look like royalty. He hasn't crowed yet and I think he has a lot of growing to do before he is out of this cockerel stage but he's a nice guy. He's a quick learner and I like that in a bird.

The next nice day I get I'm going to fashion them a nice dusting pit for the coop.
WOW we need to pic of Mr. Royal! I've still got both my roos but told my nephew today if he knew of anyone that needed one to let me know he was for sale. I sure do hate to part with him though he's such a nice peaceful roo but he just doesn't take care of the girls like #13 does. He's MUCH bigger than 13 to. I can't believe how he has grown since I have had the two away from the girls.

Well I'm thinking now I have pleurisy. Got up this morning with my left shoulder blade area really hurting and thought it was just the way I slept. It sorta feels like a pulled muscle or something and hurts to turn certain ways so I'm not sure. IF it doesn't get better I guess I'll have to go get my lungs x rayed sp? so we can see what's going on. I'm still taking my mucinex but he didn't give me anything to break it a loose so I started taking that on my own. It just hit me this could be pleurisy but it sure hurts to breath in deep but it also hurts to move and twist my body around. ???? anyway hoping it gets better so I wont have to go get radiation in my body. ugh
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Oh no, I have yet another excuse not to process these two cockerels! I wasn't even looking for one. I was actually looking forward to tomorrow. The excused so far have been in November and December--Fowl Pox lesions. Early Janurary--my cervical fusion surgery. This weekend--something has gone wrong with the pump/septic whatever that handles the sewage/grey water from my pool house which has an outdoor kitchen where I process the birds. Darn! Honest, I really was going to get it done this weekend.
WOW we need to pic of Mr. Royal! I've still got both my roos but told my nephew today if he knew of anyone that needed one to let me know he was for sale. I sure do hate to part with him though he's such a nice peaceful roo but he just doesn't take care of the girls like #13 does. He's MUCH bigger than 13 to. I can't believe how he has grown since I have had the two away from the girls.

Well I'm thinking now I have pleurisy. Got up this morning with my left shoulder blade area really hurting and thought it was just the way I slept. It sorta feels like a pulled muscle or something and hurts to turn certain ways so I'm not sure. IF it doesn't get better I guess I'll have to go get my lungs x rayed sp? so we can see what's going on. I'm still taking my mucinex but he didn't give me anything to break it a loose so I started taking that on my own. It just hit me this could be pleurisy but it sure hurts to breath in deep but it also hurts to move and twist my body around. ???? anyway hoping it gets better so I wont have to go get radiation in my body. ugh

I've been meaning to get a pic of him with his girls...they all look like a flock now, cozy, plump and red combed like big girls now. And the Dels have tamed down considerably since the feed I provide is the only game in town now...the WR pullets are still a little flighty, which I don't mind at all.

I've only had pleurisy once and it wasn't positional, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be pleurisy for you. When I had mine it was sudden and excruciating..had me writhing on the floor and there aren't too many things that can do that to me. Bad, bad stuff. I hope it resolves itself before it gets that bad.
My experience here in San Diego and the county is Coyote packs. Anyone who has dogs keeps them in at night Coyote proof fencing is needed to protect small livestock like poultry they dont bother with the goats. Out in the county there are bigger predators. Bob Cat and Mountain Lion. there is one community they set up trail cams and found that mountain lions were freely moving through town checking for the Odd snack. One woman lost her poodle right on her door step. Fenced yard last piddle before bed time.....

The way the City is built they left the canyons alone building on ridges and mesas. There for its not unnusual for Mountain lions and Bob cats to make their way Unimpeded as far as the ocean following game and water. I am always sad when I see lost dog or cat posters because for the most part they have become dinner.

At my house I have eighteen acres of Chaparal. I have heard Mountain lion screams in the canyon behind the house. A coyote pack took all my poultry last year.... the result of a cascade failure. Sigh.... Ultimately my fault. Pump failure I had to let them into the goat yard to get water that I hauled up from the city in a tote.... It took a week to find someone to fix the pump. By then they were gone. I dont live there wont for a time.

The deal is I have about three acres devoted to house front yard side yard back yard and horse corral. All but the horse corral has field fencing... Which Needs some repair... I cant keep a solid gate they get blown off in the wind. So I need to replace the gates with Field fence gates and then top the whole thing with Hot wire. The poultry housing is within the Goat yard both are all kennel panels. Probably about an 8th of an acre. I was comfortable about my dog having free access to that yard through a doggy door... Since then The goats have made their own doors thats how the coyotes got in....

Eventually I want to do cattle panels around the yard including the horse corral so I can leave the back yard for the chickens and let the horse share space with the goats. Here cattle panels are 45 bucks so its not going to happen too quickly.


Man, I've got chills.

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