Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Rachael, they do GREAT in hot climates, but do need a lot of water and lots of vitamin C. Easily provided with things like bell pepper, citrus and tomatoes which ALSO grow well in hot climates... They also handle humidity better (guinea pigs). Can't wait to have a place to raise and nom on thems.
Dolfi, also how old the rabbits were, what time of year were you breeding and what your climate is like... Bedding, what the specific brands of food and types of hay (if any) were given, etc.

Rabbits can be a little sensitive. Chickens hold up to just about anything, can eat anything, be housed however you want. Rabbits have a much smaller range of acceptable care techniques if you want results... But once you're inside of that range they produce quite easily.
they are about 3 months old. But the male and female that might be pregnant are about 8 to 10 months old. They are in separate cages and alone. Female with wooden box for nesting
Wow, sounds like a good source of food. Considering how hot it gets here, bet they would be better than rabbits.

So two weeks ago my propane tank was at 20%, went out to check today 5%
Good thing I started a "slow cooker" pot roast this morning. Going to do baked cabbage in my toaster oven. Stove, heater and water heater are all on propane. Just can't run the heat at all, thank goodness it got up to 75 today. I love my toaster oven, bought it when my microwave started sparking and could not afford a new one.

Chickens are loving the brief warm up, bugs are everywhere so they are supper excited.

My chickens are envious and told me to send rotten eggs to YOUR chickens to show their anger and general disdain for your chickens. And they also sent this.....

Sorry...they made me say these things and send this message.
You have no idea what kind of power they wield around here and if I do not do as they say, I may wake up one morning and find a rooster head in my bed.
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My chickens are envious and told me to send rotten eggs to YOUR chickens to show their anger and general disdain for your chickens. And they also sent this..... Sorry...they made me say these things and send this message. :oops: You have no idea what kind of power they wield around here and if I do not do as they say, I may wake up one morning and find a rooster head in my bed.
they are about 3 months old. But the male and female that might be pregnant are about 8 to 10 months old. They are in separate cages and alone. Female with wooden box for nesting

What are you feeding and how much? When you rub your hand down their backs can you easily feel hips, spine or shoulders? Do they have a lot of "flabby" bits like the dewlap being extra big, or a sort of thick "flap" at the base of the butt when they sit? What breed of rabbits and what size are your cages? What materials are your cages? Outdoor or indoor? Water supply? Bedding? Snacks?
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The funny part is, the chickens rule the roost. Guess she is getting soft on us guys, I swear she is going to buy chicken diapers next. I mean if they can control the computer they must be able to figure out how to buy them

It is okay, soon my chicks will have 110+ temps and they will want to be your chicks....heck I am gunna want to be up at your place
My chickens are envious and told me to send rotten eggs to YOUR chickens to show their anger and general disdain for your chickens. And they also sent this.....

Sorry...they made me say these things and send this message.
You have no idea what kind of power they wield around here and if I do not do as they say, I may wake up one morning and find a rooster head in my bed.
Bahahahaha An offer you can't refuse?
The funny part is, the chickens rule the roost. Guess she is getting soft on us guys, I swear she is going to buy chicken diapers next. I mean if they can control the computer they must be able to figure out how to buy them

It is okay, soon my chicks will have 110+ temps and they will want to be your chicks....heck I am gunna want to be up at your place

That sweet fat furry legged one? He's a key player in the chicken mafia...Fat Cochin was his real name after all and he has his ways of making people talk. Diapers? He held me up with the pitchfork the other day when I went in the coop! He may look all sweet and cuddly and downright useless but that's just his cover. I caught him running an illegal gambling operation in the dog house the other day.

He sends his minions down to the back porch each morning to demand his feed pay off...says I owe him for "protection" or some such business.
What are you feeding and how much? When you rub your hand down their backs can you easily feel hips, spine or shoulders? Do they have a lot of "flabby" bits like the dewlap being extra big, or a sort of thick "flap" at the base of the butt when they sit? What breed of rabbits and what size are your cages? What materials are your cages? Outdoor or indoor? Water supply? Bedding? Snacks?
size of cages are 4X4 for males, need to put something on the wire. The female cage is with nesting box. I feed normal rabbit's food and hay from the horses . They are white with red eyes
OMG, I have said it before and will say it again, you are an awesome story teller (book writer...)
Your way with words is a true gift from him.
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