Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

OMG, I have said it before and will say it again, you are an awesome story teller (book writer...)
Your way with words is a true gift from him.

And I haven't done a thing with it except waste time on a chicken forum! I think I'm going to have to answer for that one day.....
My chickens are envious and told me to send rotten eggs to YOUR chickens to show their anger and general disdain for your chickens. And they also sent this..... Sorry...they made me say these things and send this message. :oops: You have no idea what kind of power they wield around here and if I do not do as they say, I may wake up one morning and find a rooster head in my bed.
:gig :gig :lau :lau
speaking of which.........

a book where the proceeds go to your favorite ministry?

I got stalled...hit that creative wall again. But...I am thinking about doing a YT channel instead and monetizing it. The more subscribers and hits, the more money it makes. I'm not thinking it will make enough to even support one 4 yr old child in Guatemala for school supplies , but it's all I have the strength for right now. Time is closing in.

I'm going to do some vids on FF, deep litter, flock management, processing, rooster management, free range, etc. Will try to keep it light and amusing, while informative. You people will see my incredible fatness in person and can finally put a face with the name~try not to hate me because I'm beautiful. I'm hoping to have a lot of variety(gardening, chickens, homesteading) and throw in stray vids of my funny family just doing what they do best...like when the Bat argues with the dog and he argues back, or when my boys get together and make me pee my pants laughing.

I'm thinking of calling it The Old Fat Hen...whatdoyathink?
I got stalled...hit that creative wall again. But...I am thinking about doing a YT channel instead and monetizing it. The more subscribers and hits, the more money it makes. I'm not thinking it will make enough to even support one 4 yr old child in Guatemala for school supplies , but it's all I have the strength for right now. Time is closing in.

I'm going to do some vids on FF, deep litter, flock management, processing, rooster management, free range, etc. Will try to keep it light and amusing, while informative. You people will see my incredible fatness in person and can finally put a face with the name~try not to hate me because I'm beautiful. I'm hoping to have a lot of variety(gardening, chickens, homesteading) and throw in stray vids of my funny family just doing what they do best...like when the Bat argues with the dog and he argues back, or when my boys get together and make me pee my pants laughing.

I'm thinking of calling it The Old Fat Hen...whatdoyathink?
Bahahahahaha, love you Bee. Go for it. That child in Guatemala is depending upon you.
You think I'm kiddin??? I bought the video camera just the other day...tripod and all! I'm going to show you all my big, fat, hillbilly life in all its glorious rednekkedness. It will be my film debut and I'll try to make it worth clicking on. You all will have to share, subscribe and like and all that crapola so that little Miguel can go to school with the right equipment..it's up to y'all to make this thing is a success.

I'm counting on you. Don't make me send Fat Cochin over to your coops to reek havoc....
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You think I'm kiddin??? I bought the video camera just the other day...tripod and all! I'm going to show you all my big, fat, hillbilly life in all its glorious rednekkedness. It will be my film debut and I'll try to make it work clicking on. You all will have to share, subscribe and like and all that crapola so that little Miguel can go to school with the right equipment..it's up to y'all to make this thing is a success.

I'm counting on you. Don't make me send Fat Cochin over to your coops to reek havoc....
I'm lost but these days I stay that way.
I guess I need to go back and read more posts since I have only read this page.
YOU A HOOT WOMAN!! Just a HOOT! Sure do love ya!
I have been trying to prepare for raising meat rabbits, never even considered guinea pigs or other versions of more S.A. rodentia, more heat resistant, hummmmm I think I need to do a little research.
The funny part is, the chickens rule the roost. Guess she is getting soft on us guys, I swear she is going to buy chicken diapers next. I mean if they can control the computer they must be able to figure out how to buy them

It is okay, soon my chicks will have 110+ temps and they will want to be your chicks....heck I am gunna want to be up at your place
yea me to! Can we all come? We could camp out in tents and it'd STILL be cooler there than here!
sure HOPE we don't see no 110+ temps though. 104-5 is high enough.
with this humidity down south we'd die for sure. ugh it gets VERY hard to breath at the little over 100 temps.

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