Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Nope hope all is okay with her!

I had a hen that anytime a rooster mounted her her skin would tear open. The first time I thought it was a fluke, got her healed up and put her back with the group. Then it happened again, healed her up, put a saddle on and back out with the group, happened again...I had to find her another home. I was so upset because she was one of my favs, super sweet Speckled Sussex! What was even harder was I relocated her and her best 2 buds to a friends house, just because she had no Roosters and I thought it would be better, then 3 weeks later her dog freaked out during a thunderstorm broke out and killed her and 1 of her friends. So in the end not sure what would have been the best thing to do. Just breaks my heart every time someone talks about a Rooster slicing their hens sides.

I think as some would say, if a hen can not handle breeding they should be let go, in what ever manner you choose, but it may be a thin skin issue that will just keep happening. It is just hard when you really like them
I think the problem here was that I only had 4 hens for an overly amorous rooster and he either wore her feathers off or because he was so big that he always slipped off the sides. She's wearing a saddle til the feathers grow back. Plus, I got rid of the rooster and now have a younger one in there. He's not even really interested in the girls yet. Then there is another rooster waiting in the wings. He's bigger than the young guy but not as big as the other one. Plus, I have two more hens now and I plan to get a couple more so hopefully I'll have enough that one won't get worn out.
Has anybody heard from Bee today? I don't remember seeing any posts by her. I hope she's ok. Does one of you live sort of close by, enough to know if she got a bunch of ice or anything?
Bee mentioned that she and her mom would be on a road trip until Sunday. We will have to do our best without her for a while.
I just hope they don't get caught in the new wave of storms!

Lisa :)
About a month ago I found a baby snake dead out in the yard which is a first for this time of year. Today I found another one of a different kind. Strange! I wonder why baby snakes are hatching out this time of year and what in the world are they doing out of hibernation...? I'm not sure but... I wonder if they are hatched out that late in the year and go into hibernation this small...? I wouldn't think so but...
I don't know what kind it is, it is tiny.



Willow, I don't know-how yours has been overall, but we've had a huge roller coaster of a winter. It never hit really gold, but stayed on the warmer side. It was constantly fluctuating so bad that our fruit trees never fully lost there leaves and have bloomed several times already. If your weather is anywhere near similar, there biological clocks are likely just as confused. My parents' tortoise never hybernated, either. We've had scorpions birthing completely off season and our wild flocks haven't migrated like normal.
@Demosthine... No, it has been COLD here this winter - a lot colder than usual. We have had snow and ice on the ground a whole lot of the time. I believe there has been snow and ice for the past 3 weeks solid. That's why it is so strange to see snakes...?
I think that's how my hen was too. Through the skin and fat. I could see the muscle underneath. If you just want to leave it be, I'd use some Q-tips and plenty of iodine to clean inside the wound. The second wound on my girl was apparently older and had almost sealed shut but I pulled all the scabs off anyway and its a good thing I did because she had at least 3 feathers under her skin, completely detached from the skin and coated in slime; the body's defenses (mucus carries the white blood cells) to attack the invader. After I got all that cleaned out she healed up really fast.

I can just see skin the fat part the feathers go into is what was torn. I dabbed it full of antibiotic salve and also her head to since they have pulled her feathers out. I have some iodine on hand I might try that tomorrow. I didn't bother her today.

Bee, yeah I had wondered to because normally she is on here but she hasn't been. She had said something about she might lose power or something on back because of the snow and ice if I am remembering right but I sure hope that's not what's going on. I thought she might be doing her videos but would have thought she'd been back on by now. I sure pray everything is OK!!!

SNAKES,,,,,,yes VERY strange to be seeing them right now and here I have been wading out there in that high grass and deep leaves cleaning up.....chills!
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I think Bee and her mom are off to visit family for the weekend. (Her Dad I believe) They should be back tomorrow.
Oh that's great! Was getting a little worried there! Gonna skin her for not telling us she wouldn't be around for a few days. I was thinking she'd said they had snow and ice and their power could go out if a limb fell from all the ice. I may have her confused with someone else.

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