Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

OH my gawd now I done it.... Had to know where the expression came from..... This is what I found wether or not its real its pretty freaking funney.

Possible origin of SHTF adult content please


deb, where do you find all this sh--, I mean stuff.
One of my many .... ehem.... talents   is called .... string search....  And pretty much a good sense of humor.


Deb, Because I care about you and since we are on the subject of bodily functions and the results blowing through the air... it is my redneck duty to give you the redneck beer drinking anthem of the 1980's ...for THOSE people that drank beer and acted like that back then. LOL This is just something you need to know if you don't already...

TW, my sister sent that to me today.... That is Rabbit Island in Japan. They used to test chemical and gas warfare there on rabbits. But a bunch of them went feral and there are no predators so they have become very docile and exist in multitudes.

Good place to go live if the zombies ever show! Abundant food source, on the ocean, isolated and lots of poison gas equipment (inclluding safety equipment) stored in the museum for poison gas on the island.
TW, my sister sent that to me today.... That is Rabbit Island in Japan. They used to test chemical and gas warfare there on rabbits. But a bunch of them went feral and there are no predators so they have become very docile and exist in multitudes.

Good place to go live if the zombies ever show! Abundant food source, on the ocean, isolated and lots of poison gas equipment (inclluding safety equipment) stored in the museum for poison gas on the island.

Sounds like the place to be. First thing I thought was how many pounds of meat that would be! lol I always wanted to live on Gilligan's Island and take rabbits with me to eat.
I hit a fireant pile and a pile of dog crap with a weed whacker one day...never in my life did I feel so violated

By the way, ants don't die when hit with a full speed weed whacker...you'd think! But no. They are instead angered more than ever before in their lil angry lives AND then sling shotted 357 mph at your FACE grabbing onto the 1st thing they have contact with...me


Reminds me of one day when I walked too close behind a big ol' feedlot calf and he cut loose with a big one that splattered green doody all down one side of me. Totally violated!!! LOL Your ants sound just a little like my dang rooster! hahahaha


I prolly still have some in my ear! LOL

Leave it up to the Canadians, ay?
Now Bee.... Beeeeee nice.
Hey, Rosemarie!
I'm here...just took a drive across the state to visit my dad.

I was reading about your flock and, if the were mine, here's what I'd do:

1. Make sure I had 15 hens per rooster.
2. Take off all saddles...they get wet, dirty and they hold all that into bare skin....not a good thing. I hate those saddles for chickens....I know folks love them on this forum but they are more harm than they are good, IMO. That skin needs air to stay healthy.
3. Cover any wounds or bare skin with Castor Oil or NuStock....both will protect them, will help heal any wounds, and will promote quick feather regrowth.
4. Let those chickens out in the run...they are cooped up and it's causing feather picking and aggression issues. It doesn't matter if it's raining or snowing or blowing, let them have access to the outdoors. Then give them something to do....throw some BOSS in their DL, or hang up a head of cabbage or something similar and let them get their pecking out on something else. You can even hang up a suet cage and let them get some fats..they could be craving some.
5. Make sure they have somewhere or something to dust in.

Let's get your chooks back on track. Check them for mites and lice under a good light after dark, see if something else is going on to cause picking.

ahhhh fun I sure hope you enjoyed your trip! Nice to get away sometime and visit family.

Thank you Bee. I need to make me some NuStock or buy some. I have a couple bottles of castor oil on hand.

Yep that's what I have now, 1 roo to 15 hens.
Ok I think I will take those saddles off. I have had to put 2-3 of them back on already because they get them off. I've been noticing there are quills I think is what you
call them growing back in now on some of them.
You know that makes sense about the fats because hubby had thrown some old grease into one of my flower beds and I noticed one of the girls litterly camping out in that spot for 30 minutes or more the other day. She even rooted up the rocks trying to get at all that grease. I have some lard in small containers that I bought to do soap with so I will mix in some BOSS and some corn into it and make em a feeder.
They had slowed wayyyy down on eating their ff to and one day they wouldn't eat it. It smells fine and everything. Don't know what the deal was. I started a fresh batch yesterday just started over and it already has the grey film over the top. I gave them some of it this evening and they ate every drop. Don't know if it had gotten too strong for em or what so I just started over. Anyway for several days now we have been in the high 60's and even yesterday and today was in the high 70's.So it didn't take it long to get going. They've been laying 9-11 eggs everyday and today I only got 6. Been letting them out to free range for about 5 days now since the weather is so nice.
In March or April I cant remember, they'll be a year old so it's about time for them to start molting. ???
I did check them for critters and found none but will check under a light to. I've been putting the sulfur on the roosting area and in their nests as well every now and then to keep that in check as well.
ahhhh fun I sure hope you enjoyed your trip! Nice to get away sometime and visit family.

Thank you Bee. I need to make me some NuStock or buy some. I have a couple bottles of castor oil on hand.

Yep that's what I have now, 1 roo to 15 hens.
Ok I think I will take those saddles off. I have had to put 2-3 of them back on already because they get them off. I've been noticing there are quills I think is what you
call them growing back in now on some of them.
You know that makes sense about the fats because hubby had thrown some old grease into one of my flower beds and I noticed one of the girls litterly camping out in that spot for 30 minutes or more the other day. She even rooted up the rocks trying to get at all that grease. I have some lard in small containers that I bought to do soap with so I will mix in some BOSS and some corn into it and make em a feeder.
They had slowed wayyyy down on eating their ff to and one day they wouldn't eat it. It smells fine and everything. Don't know what the deal was. I started a fresh batch yesterday just started over and it already has the grey film over the top. I gave them some of it this evening and they ate every drop. Don't know if it had gotten too strong for em or what so I just started over. Anyway for several days now we have been in the high 60's and even yesterday and today was in the high 70's.So it didn't take it long to get going. They've been laying 9-11 eggs everyday and today I only got 6. Been letting them out to free range for about 5 days now since the weather is so nice.
In March or April I cant remember, they'll be a year old so it's about time for them to start molting. ???
I did check them for critters and found none but will check under a light to. I've been putting the sulfur on the roosting area and in their nests as well every now and then to keep that in check as well.
They shouldn't molt until next fall or early winter.

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