Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Hi, On those cuts or gashes? My son has found that Super Glue is fantastic for gluing skin together and once dry a bit of antibiotic and you're good to go. Beats sewing them up! I have also used "steri-strips" to hold wounds together. Fine as long as no one is picking them off as soon as you put them on. jFortunately chickens heal fast. : ) beverly
oh yeah don't think I could sew em up. chills...... I bet that super glue would burn like mad to. ouchhhh......lol will have to keep that in mind though. Just HOPING they grow their feathers back in soon!

speaking of feces.... I was once weed eating and some stupid dog backed up and pooped a pile in my monkey grass and I didn't see it. Talk about making me sick, but that did! YUCK! Got all over my face and my arms and my clothes. I had to stop and go take a bath and wash my head and everything. SICKO
They shouldn't molt until next fall or early winter.
ohhhhhhhhh you mean to tell me they don't molt when they're a year old? WOW and here I was thinking they'd molt and that would probably stop em from laying for awhile. They started laying in Oct. I think it was and they are still laying. I thought they'd take a break before spring but they haven't. I'm gathering eggs now to hatch out me a batch of chicks from the RIR's. Almost got what I need to incubate now.

Thank you Lacy Blues!
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ohhhhhhhhh you mean to tell me they don't molt when they're a year old? WOW and here I was thinking they'd molt and that would probably stop em from paying for awhile. They started laying in Oct. I think it was and they are still laying. I thought they'd take a break before spring but they haven't. I'm gathering eggs now to hatch out me a batch of chicks from the RIR's. Almost got what I need to incubate now.

Thank you Lacy Blues!
Generally when chickens are hatched out in the spring, they'll molt over and over until they reach "adulthood" which is when they can reproduce but probably shouldn't, being very young and all, and they'll lay through the winter all the way until next fall. They'll molt right before their second winter. So, generally, depending on hatch date, they'll molt at approximately 18 months of age.

I had never hatched in December before and last year I tried an early hatch with my bantams. They hatched December 2012. They reached their ages of maturity and were laying like clockwork and then they all stopped. It was the oddest thing. I figured that they had lived through one winter (even though they were tiny) and for their second winter they needed new feathers. Crazy!
Took me back to my CW days....  Lots of giggles and line dancing and two stepping.....     I was just talking to someone else about my clogging days....  Lots of bluegrass....  and fiddle music....


Years ago, on weekend nights about 10:00 or so the local radio station would have "Outlaw Hours". There was a whole lot of music like I posted played. It was great! lol
speaking of feces.... I was once weed eating and some stupid dog backed up and pooped a pile in my monkey grass and I didn't see it. Talk about making me sick, but that did! YUCK! Got all over my face and my arms and my clothes. I had to stop and go take a bath and wash my head and everything. SICKO  :sick

Yuck! LOL I don't think my calf doody shower smelled as bad as you and Angelicisi's dog doody one. LOL
oh yeah don't think I could sew em up. chills...... I bet that super glue would burn like mad to. ouchhhh......lol will have to keep that in mind though. Just HOPING they grow their feathers back in soon!


Nope, doesn't burns at all and heals quite nicely. I've used it a few times tending myself. It's great in a SHTF bag!!!

Right after it came out, I compared ingredients between New-Skin and regular superglue. They were identical. The difference was New-Skin was made in a sterile plant. I just use superglue...
Nope, doesn't burns at all and heals quite nicely. I've used it a few times tending myself. It's great in a SHTF bag!!!

Right after it came out, I compared ingredients between New-Skin and regular superglue. They were identical. The difference was New-Skin was made in a sterile plant. I just use superglue...
most superglue has cyanide in it. They do makeit without cyanide for sutures. Its a chicken I know but people should be aware to make informed decisions
most superglue has cyanide in it. They do makeit without cyanide for sutures. Its a chicken I know but people should be aware to make informed decisions

They do not have cyanide in them. They have cyanoacrylate, which may offgas to a very, very small amount of cyanide gas, depending on the specific molecular structure of the cyanoacrylate used. There is a huge difference there. If you check the information for both DermaBond and New-Skin, they are cyanoacrylate adhesives approved by the FDA.

Cyanides have medicinal uses, too, including immediate decreases of blood pressure. When administering Nitro to cardiac patients, a small amount of it is generated and processed by the liver. Japan has experimented with using it to treat tuberculosis, after their vaccine caused huge obesity problems and was removed from the market.

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