Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Quote: I highly recommend to disbud your goats if you get them. Horns even accidentally applied can cause damage to little uns. And make it a rule not to play butting games with them. My guys will rear and ask you to play but because I have never joined in that game I dont get surprised Butts from behind. My little reprobates are about knee high.... and if they hit you in the back of the knee you will go down.... LOL. thankfully they never try to connect.

The white post is about the height of my knee.... This photo they are wandering into the Heloicopter pad.... LOL It was supposed to be an arena if he could have graded it down another two feet... but there was a bus sized boulder right in the middle so he had to stop there.

Thre of my 'chillun are Wether males and the littlest one was a female.... RIP Miss Dewdrop. The boys are two Nigerians and one Pygmy (Little bulldozer with fur) All were bottle babies raised inside a family home till they were old enough to go into their little barn. I adopted them from that family because the hubby was getting stationed in another state.

This one is Domino My Pygmy. BTW these are winter time pictures.... Because Domino has a silvery over coat that is soft as silk in the winter.

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I agree Deb. Those horns are a bit dangerous and (in my experience) if they don't get their head hung in a fence they are busy trying to tear them up. Electric fence is gooood. lol It is kind of amazing how they know how to use those horns to hook you.
Perchie, I was referring to my daughters having a hayday playing on the ribbon! They've picked up my old-school play habits. You know, tetherball, climbing on top of the playground equipment, flipping off the tops of swings... Stuff most of today's kids are terrified of. Heck, when she was 18 months old, my daughter would run up the slide and belly flop so she could slide back down.
Perchie, I was referring to my daughters having a hayday playing on the ribbon! They've picked up my old-school play habits. You know, tetherball, climbing on top of the playground equipment, flipping off the tops of swings... Stuff most of today's kids are terrified of. Heck, when she was 18 months old, my daughter would run up the slide and belly flop so she could slide back down.
LOL Ooops... I was just thinking about how to protect the goats from the sharp edge.... Same could be done for kidletts too. Cut a strip of Car tire and screw it to the edge with chicago screws. No pointie ends....

That dog in the vid?  That's the breed I would love to have!  They are too expensive to lay hands on though....but I think they are wonderful! 

Yep and they are sooo pretty. He is looking at the squirrel like, "WHAT are you doing!?!" That squirrel fluffing that hair up is perdy funny. LOL

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