Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

So Beekissed let's say I do 22% 3 times a day. What weight can I expect at 12 weeks? How can I calculate this?

I don't know and I don't think you can calculate it. It has too many variables...the line of birds you have, how much exercise they get, the amount of feed they consume individually, the ambient temps, etc.

All you can do is try it and see what comes out!
Don't know about other folks but I have a three day or so rule on anything affecting any one bird of an acute symptom....three days to resolve or show marked improvement towards being gone. If not gone, the bird is gone. I've never had any respiratory symptoms other than wheezing that lasted a day or so after putting wood ashes in the dusting spots or fresh cedar in the dog/chicken lounging area. Those were resolved within a day or two.

One other time some years back I had been given some red stars that were past their prime. I had added some cedar shavings in the coop and two of them started having wheezing from it that they couldn't seem to get over....some lady wanted a few pet chickens and said she would take them to her place. It took those birds a few weeks to lose the respiratory irritation from those cedar oils but they lived with her for a year or so before falling to predation. The rest of the chickens didn't have any reaction to the cedar, so they remained at my place.

A few days to see if they can shake it, then the bird is gone. It's a bird problem and not a flock problem...yet.

Sounds like symptoms of CRD and they say that's a chronic, carrier type situation that makes your flock carriers so it's a difficult decision on your part. Don't know what I would do in your situation if it ran through the whole flock, but it's usually transmitted through shared waterers and feeders, particularly since you feed wet feed. Scrub out your waterers, kill the birds, wait and see if anyone else is going to get it and then make tougher decisions. Until then I'd open up some major ventilation in your coop...fresh air can keep disease transmission down.

I'd also be putting ACV in the water if you aren't already. Might cut down on germ transmission.
As well as giving them some fresh crushed and cut up garlic. Needs to be replaced every day since it loses it antibiotic properties after 24 hours. I buy it by the bag and give to mine just as a preventive every other week or so. Mine love the stuff cut up small to where they can eat it.
Video of the chick moving in the egg. This is day 9. The black dot is it's eye so watch the dot. Sorry about the light. It goes off and on for some reason.

Thank you!!! Finally!!! Everyone kept describing that but I've never seen it so I couldn't imagine it and what it would look like, especially in brown eggs like ours. Can't wait to see if this will happen for this nest!
Thank you!!! Finally!!! Everyone kept describing that but I've never seen it so I couldn't imagine it and what it would look like, especially in brown eggs like ours. Can't wait to see if this will happen for this nest!
You're welcome. In some I candled last night they moved around so that I couldn't see their eye. lol I had to borrow my nephews flashlight because my light wasn't bright enough. They say you can also use cellphone flash lights to. Mine doesn't have one. lol I barely have a cell phone. ;-)

I also uploaded some more videos of the chickens eating from their grazing frames and funny videos of them fussing because another chicken was in the nest she wanted to lay in. I sure get a kick outta these chickens.
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As well as giving them some fresh crushed and cut up garlic. Needs to be replaced every day since it loses it antibiotic properties after 24 hours. I buy it by the bag and give to mine just as a preventive every other week or so. Mine love the stuff cut up small to where they can eat it.

That's good to know about the antibiotic qualities and longevity. I guess minced garlic in a jar won't work then. Thanks for sharing that little tid bit.

For a light source for candling eggs, I use my mini-mag light. I took the lens out of the cap and it is able to be pressed right up against the egg and doesn't let light escape. Its a perfect tool.
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That's good to know about the antibiotic qualities and longevity. I guess minced garlic in a jar won't work then. Thanks for sharing that little tid bit.

For a light source for candling eggs, I use my mini-mag light. I took the lens out of the cap and it is able to be pressed right up against the egg and doesn't let light escape. Its a perfect tool.

I use the minced garlic in a jar..just keep it in the fridge. I've not heard anything about the 24 hour thingy....

Rosemarie, could you tell use where you found out about that? I loved your vid on the grow frame and will use it as an example for others if I may?

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