Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Ta dah! That worked! Thanks!

But they are gobbeling it up now so I must have done something right!
I use the minced garlic in a jar..just keep it in the fridge. I've not heard anything about the 24 hour thingy....

Rosemarie, could you tell use where you found out about that? I loved your vid on the grow frame and will use it as an example for others if I may?
oh I don't mind Bee.

I read that about the garlic some where but they said it still has other helpful benefits.
yeah first time I fed it to mine they gobbled it up so fast I was like, ugh I didn't give em enough so I went back and got em some more. They were jumping up on my arm eating it out of the bucket as I was trying to get in the door. lol 

Mine still do that! I can't seem to teach them any manners!

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