Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

That's good to know!

I guess I need to re-read the fermenting guide. I just mixed the starter with ACV (with mother) and water. I didn't know I had to keep feeding it.

I will get the feeder elevated to help!

She just means adding more grain/pellets to boost the ferment back up again. Sometimes on the longer ferments the process can slow down when the microbes run short on food, tossing in some fresh food (grain) can get them going again. This is especially true through the summer months when the temps are higher and the microbes more active.
That's good to know!

I guess I need to re-read the fermenting guide. I just mixed the starter with ACV (with mother) and water. I didn't know I had to keep feeding it.

I will get the feeder elevated to help!

Yep...just like Miss K said. Eventually you will feed almost all your feed out of your bucket and you'll need to save a little of the old fermented mix to start the new, so when you replenish your bucket with feed and water, this gives the LABs something new to eat. When you have a sourdough mix and it has sit for a long time, you can liven it up by "feeding" it new flour.
You can slow your dog's digestion by adding a small amount of a good oil to his food (say olive oil?) and/or a bit of shredded cheese. The fats seem to slow digestion... unless you decide to wait it out. Just a suggestion.
Great idea! I will definitely do that. He has a problem with having the runs - therefore not digesting super efficiently - so I will definitely try that.
Great idea! I will definitely do that. He has a problem with having the runs - therefore not digesting super efficiently - so I will definitely try that.
He obviously has some sort of imbalance in there. I would get some plain yogurt and give him a tablespoon of that all mixed in too, with each meal until he shows improvement. Then you can cut back on the yogurt a bit and see how he does. Good luck.
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My eggs should start hatching in the next few days so I got em some ff started today so it would be ready for em. I couldn't find any starter grower that wasn't medicated though. :( Around here it's all medicated. :( Last year when I had the other babies that are almost grown now they also ate ff that was medicated because I couldn't get it then either. :( Once this bag is gone though they will be on layer ff.

Lock down is Sunday and I am getting excited!

I candled a few of them last night again and I can see them moving in the shell and it's filling up in there.
I posted several links on one of these threads of some videos I did and now I can't remember which thread I posted them on.
my memory is horrible these days!

I think it was this one and I've been sampling them.....nice place for chickens there! Love all that bedding material...that's like money in the bank. Your fussy Aussie reminds me of Fanny...she was like that and it's what made her one of my favorites.
Good Morning!

Just wanted to let you know that my little chicks have been here for less than 24 hours and they have already attacked their ff. I am off to a good start!!

Lisa :)

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