Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds


This would be the mud sauna day look. She is all white when not covered in mud. They spent the entire day outside in the veggie garden. They are mud from head to toe. These hens will have the softest feet from mud baths :D
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Pretty sure sour crop is when chicken feed gets stuck in the crop and starts to rot. Fermentation is a natural and beneficial process that most animals (especially herbivores) use to help break down food. Rabbits, horses, cows, sheep and goats are all well knows for fermenting their food once, then chewing it again before putting it in their real stomach for a second go at breaking down. This is the only way most creatures get full use of the limited nutrients in things like grass.

You probably eat fermented food and it's equivalents as well. ;3 Yogurt, kimchi, sourdough bread, kefir, live vinegars, etc. Mmm! Some tasty stuff in the fermented section at your local food store... Bad for your teeth but great for your bowels!
Today was the day!!!!!
Moved the FF bucket back to the coop!!! My room is my room once again...well..it will be after/when/if these chicks hatch. Then I'll be sprouting seedlings there too, so will still be doing double duty for awhile.

No more big, blue bucket~no matter how much I love him~for me to stumble upon.

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