Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I got my first ever meat chickies!
YAAAAY!!! Enjoy them while you can. May they grow fat and sassy.

Lisa :)

Woohoo. You go girl. Enjoy!!!
Thank you guys. Those of you that have been raising them... what protein level do you start out at? Can you tell me like what you feed on the beginning and each week??? Have any of you done this with enough sets of chicks to see what works best? Right now these are in a brooder in the garage BUT the way they are scratching around in the shavings and pecking feed out - I believe I will move them out to a coop to brood and let them get started on some real free ranging. Have any of you fed yours medicated feed? The only game bird feed I can find is medicated.
That's so funny! I have two small miter boxes that I so happen to be using to bring the food up out of the shavings in the tub with my new babies right now. All full of poop, but it scrapes off. Isn't it amazing how much poop we end up handling and not caring!? If there are any serious diseases to be had from it I guess I am immune! : )
That's so funny! I have two small miter boxes that I so happen to be using to bring the food up out of the shavings in the tub with my new babies right now. All full of poop, but it scrapes off. Isn't it amazing how much poop we end up handling and not caring!? If there are any serious diseases to be had from it I guess I am immune! : )

Where have you been? Are you ok?

Lisa :)
TW; I raised mine on Flock Raiser, 20% protein with a TINY bit of layer mixed in so maybe 19%? I wanted more calcium in them for stronger bones. Next time I will be using alfalfa instead, and in larger quantities to get 19%. I free fed, and I started cutting out the layer and fermenting it around week 2-3, which I figure pushed it up to about 23%? That is also when I started restricting food. The roos were done right on my time schedule, dressing out at 5-6lbs at 10-11 weeks, the hens not so much. I think the roos bullied them away and I accidentally under fed from weeks 3-4 also which probably made a difference. I fed 2X's a day what they'd clean up in about 20 minutes. During the last 2-3 weeks I chopped wild greens and alfalfa blocks into their feed in huge amounts every day. All my chickens were big, beautiful, clean and healthy. I think you don't need to be SUPER strict about under feeding... That will get you a skinny chicken. Just don't free-feed.
Thanks for the info CM. McMurray's catalog recommends 22% broiler or 28% turkey starter - wide range there! I don't want to feed too much protein and cause ascites losses.
That's so funny! I have two small miter boxes that I so happen to be using to bring the food up out of the shavings in the tub with my new babies right now. All full of poop, but it scrapes off. Isn't it amazing how much poop we end up handling and not caring!? If there are any serious diseases to be had from it I guess I am immune! : )

Beverly!!! Howsya been, girl?
Yep..you have no idea how many years I've been up to my elbows in poop...pig, cow, horse, sheep, chicken and~most of all~humans. No matter how careful you are you will inevitably be wearing some of it by the end of the day. Hasn't killed me yet.

Funny that you and I both would look at a miter box and think "chickens".
My wild chicks.

I was sitting over here playing on the computer on Facebook and they were just going crazy and I was like WHAT ARE they doing over there. Took my camera over there and they stopped for a few minutes and then started back. Man I WISH I just had HALF their energy. I'm thinking about eating me some ff.
My wild chicks.

I was sitting over here playing on the computer on Facebook and they were just going crazy and I was like WHAT ARE they doing over there. Took my camera over there and they stopped for a few minutes and then started back. Man I WISH I just had HALF their energy. I'm thinking about eating me some ff.
Wow your are already running out of space....
Wait till you see em play Chick Foot ball.... One will grab something he thinks is good to eat and all the rest try to take it from him....


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