Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

My gamebird feed is bubbly this morning, and the eggs are beginning to pip. The first pip was on the wrong end of the egg, so I lost my first big BCM chick, but I have another pip
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Wolfpup, measure what you are feeding by weight when you add the first time and see how much of your scoop it fills.
Then whichever is the lightest, call that "one unit" and figure out how many units of each you add. (As in if you have 1/2lb of oats be your lightest and you add 3lbs of Ayers feed that would be 7 units. One unit of oat, six of layer.)

Then you can calculate your feed percentage by weight. So like if your units are 1lb, 3lbs of 16% layer + 1lb 12% wheat, 1lb 14% oats and 1lb 22% fish food....

Is 96%/6 units is 16% protein. Its actually simple averages. But measure by weight not volume.
Meat chicks ran to meet me this morning for feeding...they are fully in the swing of flock behavior here now. They were out foraging all morning until just a minute ago when it started raining hard. They have been foraging, dusting, sparring, competing with the big flock for food and flying up to hay bales and other high points...in short, they are being regular birds.

I wish more folks could see how normal meaties act if you expect them to act normally, feed them normally and put them out in normal bird situations. I'll take a video of it all tomorrow if I can and post it so folks can get to see just how normal these meat birds really are. I don't know why folks make such a chore out of raising a pen of meat birds and complain about all the extra work and stink...these little birds are a delight to have around.
Sorry about the lost BCM BCManiac
I love hearing about your abilities Chocolate mouse and wouldn't mind learning more. I have a Recurve bow myself and would like to learn to hunt I already know how to fish.
Hunting was just not something my family ever did so my extent of practice with the bow was in school archery.

LindaB, you brought up Y2k. Ken and I didn't believe in it, but others around us did. Since we have a 2 story house with a wood burning stove AND a generator you should have heard all the people that were coming to stay with us when it was going to hit. Funny thing was nobody was offering to bring anything with them.

I 'prep' because I live in hurricane alley plus I don't trust you-who-we-should-not-name-in-the-wh!!

Lisa :)

Bahahahaha Too funny. All of my stuff was given away to Daughter first Hus. sister. Out of work and really really needed a lot of canned goods and rice.

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