Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I jimmy rigged a creep feeder for mine from an old pallet...it looks like a hot mess but it sure does work! I'm so glad, because the layer flock were really being mean to the meaties...I've never had a flock be that nasty to younger birds before, so this is all new to me. I'm taking steps to eliminate the worst offenders so as to restore the peaceful nature of my flock...can't stand squabbling and mean folks...er...chickens. Selling the meanies and eating one of them when I process the meaties and that should leave some pretty nice birds left in the flock.

Now I have some RIR chicks in the brooder and they all seem nasty, so time will tell whether they get to stay until they are old enough to lay.
I jimmy rigged a creep feeder for mine from an old pallet...it looks like a hot mess but it sure does work! I'm so glad, because the layer flock were really being mean to the meaties...I've never had a flock be that nasty to younger birds before, so this is all new to me. I'm taking steps to eliminate the worst offenders so as to restore the peaceful nature of my flock...can't stand squabbling and mean folks...er...chickens. Selling the meanies and eating one of them when I process the meaties and that should leave some pretty nice birds left in the flock.

Now I have some RIR chicks in the brooder and they all seem nasty, so time will tell whether they get to stay until they are old enough to lay.
We jerry rig where I live
We jerry rig where I live

I jimmy rigged a creep feeder for mine from an old pallet...it looks like a hot mess but it sure does work! I'm so glad, because the layer flock were really being mean to the meaties...I've never had a flock be that nasty to younger birds before, so this is all new to me. I'm taking steps to eliminate the worst offenders so as to restore the peaceful nature of my flock...can't stand squabbling and mean folks...er...chickens. Selling the meanies and eating one of them when I process the meaties and that should leave some pretty nice birds left in the flock.

Now I have some RIR chicks in the brooder and they all seem nasty, so time will tell whether they get to stay until they are old enough to lay.

Now that's funny, because out here in the (not so) wild west (anymore), we JURY rig LOL
They still forage, dust bathe, run and do all good lil chicken things. The run at me like a herd of elephants when I say, "Well, Hi there lil tweet tweet"! All my birds think their names are Tweet Tweet!
Mine all think they are either stinky doo, or cannibal. (I call them little cannibals when they are eating eggs, their favorite of all time food)
Well I keep finding eggs on the ground in my nesting area when all the bases are loaded. lol So I decided today to set up a temporary nest so they will have ONE more. It's an old milk crate someone gave me and I didn't have anything to set it on but a resin chair. lol Will have to get a pic of it.
I even clamped a board to the front of it to keep the egg from rolling out and to hold the nesting materials in there with. GOT to make me some more nesting boxes. They fill up the 4 I have and one will drop her egg on the ground in front of the nesting boxes when they are all loaded. lol So at least they have one more. Dunno if the spoiled things will use it or not but we'll see.
I guess they'll ALL fight over that one now.

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