Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

So I restarted my FF. Has been over a year! I was keeping it in my green house, but that got a hole and the dogs would break in and eat it, then poop all over the house
. However, with my new set up there is the perfect place for it and secure from the dogs.

Yesterday I went and bought those Homer Buckets with lids from Home Depot. Not sure why I did not think of those before, MUCH sturdier than the little white trash cans I was using. Plus they have a handle which makes it easier to move them around. Mixed everything up yesterday evening. This morning it was already bubbling. I don't think it is totally fermenting yet, but went ahead and feed it to the chickens and they loved it.

So happy to be back on track again

Yea!!! Now you're on the right track. I bought buckets w/ lids but one of them closed so tight I can't open it. So I had to buy an opener
A solution! Thank you LG! I have a pole for taking wooden buildings apart that I can use to plunge holes down into the cans of wet poop and shavings. Now, what is high is carbon to put down those holes? Anything liquid, preferably? It's dumb but all I can think of is charcoal briquettes. : (

Carbon = dried leaves, hay, straw, sawdust, wood shavings, ... even shredded paper.

Preferably dry things to help dehydrate out your wet mess.
Well my FF is bubbling good today! Girls made the transition quick
All the leghorns laid eggs today, first time since I got them a week ago. I kind of like this girls. Not fussy, not loud, but good layers!
Yep, just plain old white leghorns. Was kind of surprised by them myself. Got a GREAT deal on them and really wanted some good egg layers. They had just hit point of lay and the lady was selling them for $12 each, plus only a 5 min drive so no wasted gas either. Figured when they stop laying they will be good to make bone/chicken broth out of.
Well my FF is bubbling good today! Girls made the transition quick
All the leghorns laid eggs today, first time since I got them a week ago. I kind of like this girls. Not fussy, not loud, but good layers!
I have 7, 3 whites and 4 browns. Laying machines I tell ya! It is easy to tell when the NH or EE's take a day off. Those girls? Hardly ever. The whites have become quite friendly. I can catch them easier than my EE's! One white, Marge, has grown horns now that they get FF. If you do no bring FF with you every time you go outside, she will bite you. I have to watch out for her more than the rooster! Regardless of her jumbo sized eggs, if she keeps it up she will be looking at a career change!
If your compost is in a barrel that does not have lots of ventilation holes in the sides, you may still have an anaerobic culture going on. Barrels may keep things tidy, but that stuff has to breathe A LOT! Let us know how things go with your barrels.

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