Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

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I just had to cut and paste my reply here.......

I hope she's ok, Does she 'look' distressed? Always good to give them a boost! I ask only thinking that I saw my hen chase a night crawler in a puddle backwards, but Clearly saw she was trying to get somethin after I approached her.

I don't think protein is the issue unless she's not absorbing it or she had absorbed a bit too much.
Is her head shaking or tilted sideways?
Does she go about her business with the other girls or is she falling back in socializing/eating/dusting-well no dust in the rain here right now)
oh I have no clue on the de-stressed look. Don't think I ever had one like that before. She acts fine except for walking like that. I let them all out today to free range and not 15 minutes after I did the bottom fell out and it started raining cats and dogs. They ran back into their roosting area since they were close by it and stood along the roosting wall and I was in there hanging up fly bait do dads because it's wet and damp in there now from all this rain and flies are bad. I'm beginning to think I might need to start building an ark.
Well I feel much better now knowing she's going to be ok. Most all the Aussies have went broody so my egg intake is down now. Going to get rid of those things soon I hope! Anyway good to know she's fine.

Hey there Rose. You might could get a pretty penny out of your broody Aussies. A lot of people seem to be wanting a broody. I wouldn't take anything for my Aussie girls.
I am having a hard time finding the answer to my question so I apologize if this is already on here somewhere...

I am thinking of fermenting my feed, but not so keen on having that inside my house. Can you have your container outside? I live in texas so it's pretty warm, but was thinking of storing it in my RV hanger, which would be shaded and covered. Is that too warm? What is the ideal temperature?

Thanks everyone
I am having a hard time finding the answer to my question so I apologize if this is already on here somewhere...

I am thinking of fermenting my feed, but not so keen on having that inside my house. Can you have your container outside? I live in texas so it's pretty warm, but was thinking of storing it in my RV hanger, which would be shaded and covered. Is that too warm? What is the ideal temperature?

Thanks everyone

Yeah, I'm in Louisiana and they say as long as it's not over about 95 it should be ok. Extra questions? Let us know how it turned out~~

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I am having a hard time finding the answer to my question so I apologize if this is already on here somewhere...

I am thinking of fermenting my feed, but not so keen on having that inside my house. Can you have your container outside? I live in texas so it's pretty warm, but was thinking of storing it in my RV hanger, which would be shaded and covered. Is that too warm? What is the ideal temperature?

Thanks everyone

I keep mine in the coop all summer long...it's shady and airy in there. I've had it in there with temps up to 98, so I don't know if there is an upper limit for the FF...just try to keep it in the shade and mix smaller batches and it should be alright.
Anybody on this here porch got a good "leek" recipe...? :) I am expanding my horizons... lol Us hillbillies around here don't usually eat leaks. I'm gonna try some. What do I do to them?
Anybody on this here porch got a good "leek" recipe...?
I am expanding my horizons... lol Us hillbillies around here don't usually eat leaks. I'm gonna try some. What do I do to them?
Not only leeks, but eggs too! I don't remember where I got the recipie, so I'm going by memory here. I do these in individual ramekins, but you could do it in one large casserol dish too. I cut up two or three leeks (white part and a bit of the green part) and thinly slice a yellow onion. I saute them with butter until they start to carmelize. While this is happening I preheat the oven to about 375F and toast 4 pieces of white bread.. something tasty like Itallian or Sourdough and use the toast to line the bottom of 4 ramekins (again you could do one casserol instead). When the onion/leek combination is ready, spoon it on top of the toast and form a little well in the center. Into that well crack and egg. Cover with a generous handfull of grated cheese. Apple Smoked Cheddar is one of my favorites, but use what you like best. Pop the ramekins into the oven and cook until the egg starts to firm up and then switch to the broiler for a minute or two to brown the top of the cheese.

I've served this for brunch, but it does fine for dinner too.

In general you can use leeks the way you would onions in a soup or something like pot roast.

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